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You cheated on your wife and didnt care that we all knew. I ratted you out by writing it on the closet wall at work. I hope someone sees it. You're a slimeball.
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Despite all your years of therapy, you are still sick.You inject me with your poison everytime we talk about self esteem. I am beautiful, why isn't that enough?
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I cant stand the fact that I have no sex life with my girlfriend. I love here but i am ready to leave. Once a month is insane.
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You have been terrible to me in so many ways but I still miss you in every way, I just wish you could see that you have done wrong by me.
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(Part 1) I have seen ghosts and I have had them come to me in my sleep to tell me of a future event, one of them being my grandma. They have all come true.
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