Page 494Best of Secrets (Highest Rated First)
I'm 26 and a virgin. I'm too scared to allow someone to love me, and too embarrassed to admit it to any women i meet for fear they'll laugh at me. No one knows.
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My husband cheated on me and even though I tell him that I got over it, I haven't. My heart is broken and it's been a year since it happened. Will I ever heal?
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Even tho i have a big family I feel so alone in this world.I feel as if no guy wants me.I fear that will die alone and be known as the crazy cat lady.
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I have no one. I have completely cut out all others. I burned all my bridges and have no way back.
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6 years ago my son was born with cancer. It's gone now. I'm always worried I may still loose him, that it might come back. The fear is ruining my life.
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