Page 1078Best of All (Highest Rated First)
You danced with me. You held me. You found me. Thank you. I hope you keep me. I love you, EKC
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After everything that has happened to me I am terrified to love/trust/commit to anyone again. It is a constant fear that grows so much from day to day.
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I won't date again. Sick of psychotic, stalker exes using the guise of protective mama to control their baby daddies & justify their shitty behavior. Poor kids.
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There have been too many days this year that I tell myself that I such and I'm not worth a damn. People think I have it together. I hope the new year is better.
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I hate my boyfriend and anyone else who puts the enablers of a pedophile above the compassion and consideration of all the victims. You all disgust me
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