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Everyone thinks I'm fine, but I feel so empty inside. I have no one to talk to even though I'm surrounded by friends and family. I feel alone now that I'm home.

Everyone thinks I'm fine, but I feel so empty inside. I have no one to talk to even though I'm surrounded by friends and family. I feel alone now that I'm home.

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Category: Secrets

Hey man there are people to talk to, I promise you.....YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!! I am a former Marine I was in in the early 1990's. So I feel ya. I am sure there are family members who would talk or just listen. But give me a shout if you need to... kankakeeguy36@yahoo.comAnd thank you for your service!!!
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I feel so sorry for you. Thanks for you service!! I hope everything works out for the best!
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Thank you
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I'd feel empty too if I fought for nothing worthwhile, and put my life on the line doing it.
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^OP here, My question is why do we feel so empty. I just feel void of emotion now. I have lost all patience for ignorance even though I am guilty of it myself. My temper has skyrocketed and I'm scared my wife wont be able to handle how different I have become. I think thats what troubles me the most is that I am not blind to the changes, but I can't control them.
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You need to go the V.A. helped with my PTSD. People just dont know unless you have been there. Many good friends did not return and that is part of the guilt facter. It takes time and a hole lot of love from family. Be strong and live life, for those we left behind.
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I felt the same when i got home. But I didn't get help and it ruined my marriage. You're stronger than me.
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you've been through alot. dont give up. it will take time. give yourself a chance to heal.and remember how important and how loved you are!!!! there is help for you!!! Please dont give up!!!!!!
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I know where you're coming from brother! See the V.A. and get some help - you have earned it! (U.S. Army 1969-1972)
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^Would that be "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" or "Post Thanksgiving Stretch Disorder"?
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First, thank you sir for your service. I truely hope you are able to overcome this feeling. You aren't alone, and there are others that have the same feelings as yourself. Please, seek out someone who will listen to your story, and hopefully help you get a handle on your emotional changes. Also, I hope your wife will understand and work with you through this difficult time. I trust happiness is just around the corner for you!
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Good luck thanks brother love ya in a non faggot way
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The feeling of being empty maybe because of whatever you saw while in combat. War is not pretty and the human mind was not made to handle those kinds of horrors. So in order for the human brain to maintain it's sanity it "shuts off" it's emotions so to speak. That feeling of empty or being devoid of emotion is a defense mechanism. If find some outlet for the horrors you experienced it may help you to find your emotions again. I hope this helps. Thank you for all you have done and may you find peace within your own life.
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^OP here, I truly apperciate the wisdom and advice you all have shared with me. I guess I figured my mind was to strong willed to let the stuff bug me. After doing some research about PTSD I realize now it isnt about weakness. I have let my family and wife know I am going to be seeking help, and they all said they were happy I have made the decision, and that they were wondering when I was going to boil over. I guess they noticed it as well. Anyways thanks for your support, it means more then you know.
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Dude I hope that the help u get does the trick and i trully hope ur wife is by your side holding your hand thru it all!!!
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