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I am a World Of Warcraft (WoW) addict.
<br/>I play for about 12 +hrs a day
<br/>I prefer it to real life now...

I am a World Of Warcraft (WoW) addict.
I play for about 12 +hrs a day
I prefer it to real life now...

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before I met my husband, I played for 8 hours a day. Since I got married, I never touched it again.
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Of course you prefer it. In WoW you have control and can do what you want. Real life isn't easy and there are many things you can't control. I would suggest looking for a site where you can talk about your addiction to WoW, they're out there. GL
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You must not work Huh ?
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most WoW addicts do work but thats all they do is wow and work and maybe sleep. your friends miss you- get help it can truely become an addiction (lost my ex-fiancee and ex- brother in law to WoW and i also play in moderation)
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Vanguard SOH and Warhammer are such better games... And no worries, it is just a phase. Go on a weekend vacation -- it will help.
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WOW is what ended my was the other woman...When a game is your escape from the real might as well be drinking...
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Not true. Games are my escape from the real world and I'm doing great in life. Not a wow fan though.
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wwoooowwww how it fells ? i play 24 hours with cocaine since i was 6 iam 8 now ..
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OMG, my 16 year old sons plays every waking moment when he is not at school. I hate it, I feel like I live alone :( It is truely addicting and I am scared that he will never have a normal social life. He is funny, good looking, but prefers that damned game!
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MY daughter who is now 19 and in college and my son who is 16 play all the time when they are not in school. Late into the night. First thing on the weekends before they get out of bed, with their laptops. No eating til late afternoon. Most of the time they want their dinner while they play. Its been like this for 3 years now. All their friends are on there playing too. My kids bodies are all soft instead of lean muscles now. They always make the excuse they cant get off cause their in a raid. I hate the vent talk at night when Im trying to sleep and I lose my cool, before they finally get quite. We are now making my son wait til the weekends and once per night cause his grades are have gone down with all this playing. Its a Evil game that just takes over. My sis and her husband play instead of going on vacations.. Crazy!r
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you sound like my wife ... xwife .. missu
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my fiance plays. has for like 5 years now. he quit for about 6 months but like any good drug he's back
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You just need to impose self limitation on your game time, I do it so can you.
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i hate you, your addiction hurt me so much
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My boyfriend plays wow about 12 hours a day too. Its really boring, I might as well live alone.
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I left my husband because he played like you. You have to get control of your addiction or you will never live your life to the fullest. You will spend life alone. Those people on vent would never miss you if you didn't get on again. Learn to face life.
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its ridiculous there is an entire world out there and your wasting life sitting in front of a monitor all day!
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I play Wow. I have /played 1 and 1/2 years of the last 3 and 1/2 years of my live on my wow toons. I am attractive, have plenty of women, and they take care of me while in 25 Eye of Eternity. they are also hot as f***. Its not how much you play WoW, its how much you dont play. I spend about 2 nights a week not playing. thats enough to grace everyone with me, and to find new women lol. BTW, I have gotten 16 women addicted to WoW. I love it!
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Ugh. I once had a boyfriend who used to stand me up for dates to play that evil game.
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You're a dork. The longer you continue to escape reality, the more of a dork you will become. LOL
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thats the saddest thing ive heard in a while
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Been there.
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it's time to leave your parents basement and GET A F**KING LIFE LOSER!
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Get a life.
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