wow more picture police there are more important things than what pic blah blah
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can we make a rule that you can't copy and paste old secret pics please?!? i mean come on this one is from like two days ago, try to be original for a change!!!!
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It couldn't be for your originality, that's for sure.
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I often wonder why so many a** ****s live to a ripe old age, instead of fate putting them 6 feet under for their inhumanity while they're young.
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Try politics!
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It's good to know that half of the comments are based on the picture. OMG people get a life, maybe you're spending way toooo much time on here then!!!To the O.P. about the part of a 2nd chance, too many people in society are up tight with ppl with convictions, unless you're rich. Like Paris Hilton, Mel Gibson, or ppl like Michael Jackson.Try to hang in there.
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People who can't find (or make) a f***ing different pic for this website are either pathetic, or newbies. Google? Yahoo? Bing? Dogpile? Half of the ones here are actually copyrighted (which is supposedly against the rules, I thought). Maybe, T-Shirt Hell could supply some of the stupid-assed pics they have on their merchandise. :)
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It is not your place to wonder about those that have gone before you. Everyone is here and gone for a reason. You need to find out what your reason for being it, and live it out.
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There is always a way. Watch the "Killing Fields" or "Schindler's List"...when it looks just means you haven't figured out the best path. It will come to you. Stay attention...and you the answer will be clear. (and legal to do)
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OP here.....So to the one person who said thinking about it before i committed the crime, i said i had a conviction, didn't say i was guilty of it. I would like to work for myself sure. and where i live there are possibilities of many franchises that aren't even here, but it takes money, which I have no access to. but thankssoon i'll probably be homeless anyways.
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Guilty until proven innocent is the law of the land. I don't give a damn what a judge says.
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^^ Well if your going to get technical I'm sure all the pics are copy written. Just because it's on Google or Yahoo doesn't mean it's not copy written. And since you're using terms like newbies, you sound like one of the people who spend TOOO much time on here.If you don't like a post, weather it's content or picture ...THEN DON"T EVEN PAY ANY ATTENTION TO IT!!! ......DUH!!!
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This pic was submitted long before other post. Sorry for the confusion folks.
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If you're still breathing, then it's not too late to be a contributing member to society. There's no better feeling than that.
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Jesus H. Christ. I'll bet that you are the total life of the party.
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Well yea I'm still breathing, living no.All I feel I need is a "real" job. but no one will touch me. because what it says on some paper. I can't even support my kids, so they would be better off if I was...well. They deserve and need better.
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well I hate to say but you should have figured out the outcome before committing the crime. I t would be a pretty good deterrent of crime to some folks. I am sorry that its hard but why could you predict that. I truly believe that some criminals would go straight if it werent for that. Have you considered working for yourself.
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