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I loved him since the day we met. Now I want kids, he doesnt til we are both around 35. He wants to live like we are still in high school, I want to hear "mom!"

I loved him since the day we met. Now I want kids, he doesnt til we are both around 35. He wants to live like we are still in high school, I want to hear "mom!"

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Category: Secrets

Don't force him, go ahead and move on have to decide. If you force him, he'll resent you and it'll be much more difficult. Leave him now and find another man to build a family with.
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this is stuff you should have discussed befor you decided to get married and soooo much more!!!
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Go now. Time is slipping away. The truth is the truth.
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Start using the rhythm method. Make a new plan jan. Throw away your BC pills, Hils. You gotta have the babies.
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You only have one shot at life. Too many people f*** up and have kids at an early age. Do you want to spend the best years of your life raising kids, or doing things you won't be able to do when you get older?
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I think having kids when your young isn't always negative, there are pros and cons to everything including the age at which you start a family. HAving kids when your young allows you to be able to do much more things with your kids rather than being older and settled, when your young you are usually more spontaneous and fun and so yur kids will be and enjoy that. Though having kids when older will probably allow more financial security but you don't need money to Love a child ;)
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I am going to college, working and am a divorced mother of a 4 year old. I dont regret my choices, but if I were to offer a piece of advice...wait. Go to college FIRST so that you CAN give your child a good life. College is harder, work is harder, young life is harder with a child. Prepare for motherhood.
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Typical woman-thought. I'm not saying it's bad or negative....I'm just saying...
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Actually it's MUCH better to have kids in your mid- to late-30's. You have much more wisdom, life experience, etc. Saying you have more energy in your 20's is complete bull! I think most people are more settled and have more energy in their 30's. Most parents who have kids in their 20's end up being very poor parents. That's just way too young.
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The only way you could know this^ is if you HAd kids in your twenties and 30's. But I doubt you did so you really Don't know anything. I am 28 have 2 kids and have had more life experience than some 40 year olds. So who is to say whats right or wrong who is more wise or not. Experience come from living and there are plenty of people who don't.
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^ well said.
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It's a matter of averages. On average, most people in their 30's are much better parents than those in their 20's. Of course there will be outliers, but most people don't really know who they are until at least 30.
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^ bravo
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The funny thing is when you reach 35 he will still be the same, and you will have relised you wasted time.
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Have them young, so the grandparents can watch them while you go out and party.
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my mom had me at 35 and she wished she had been much more energy in your 20's!
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^ Did you ask her about all the fun she had at Woodstock?
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Our friend had an "accident" with her pills when she pushed the issue of having a baby before her husband was ready. He divorced her a few months after the baby was born. Now he's with some girl who doesn't have kids and she's alone with her baby.
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^that's sad. I wish her the best. This si true though if you reallly realllllyyy desire something in this life like a child/family but your spouse isn't on the same page, you just have to make a choice to find someone who is on your level or just Love your spouse and hope for the best. It's shitty I know but thats pretty much the choices.
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