You Cunt hope your BF beats you to death slowly.
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John Wayne Gacy, COME ON DOWN!!
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saw the same kitties in nursing school in cadaver lab!
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We all know how much cats love going for walks.
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That sucks. You were 5 though, cut yourself some slack.
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*i have never owned another cat since...
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Juss like dat? Ya tied em to tak em 4 a walk an da nex day thay was hung from a tree? Gaww man....I gess ya figerd thay juss hangd demslves...spookie, ya?
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Take you're cat for a drag!......Hmmmm....I LIKE IT!!!...gets me all....(Wait for it!)....CHOKED-UP INSIDE!!!!!LOL!
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I did the same thing - to my horse, he tree wrapped the rope and was on the ground dead when I returned. Living proof that I am an imbecile. It is a tough life man, where people make mistakes.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAu were 5 so it's funny. u dont take cats on walks, only dogs. still funny tho
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the first time i ever went to a cadaver lab there were twenty six dead, skinned cats ready for dissection....and they all had these awful looks on there face from being gassed to death. they were way freakier than a human!!!
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cats are worthless anyway. even if the secret wasn't bullshit.
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Accidents happen. You know you didn't mean to hurt them. It's okay to forgive yourself.
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that sux! i dont even like cats but i have a million cause my sister is a cat lady and i would be sad if anything happened to them... it'll be ok tho, you were five, shit happens
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that sux! i dont even like cats but i have a million cause my sister is a cat lady and i would be sad if anything happened to them... it'll be ok tho, you were five, shit happens
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How sad. But what disturbs me is the the person who tortured and hung your cats from a tree. A potential serial killer lived in your neighborhood...
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^that. do that do that do that. dogs are great, they are but think about getting a cat. some cats and dogs get along great, too. depends on both, but they can. you don't have to make it a priority, getting one, but as the hippies say, 'leave yourself open to it and one will come to you'. could even be just stopping by a shelter/rescue once or twice a month for a while until one 'picks' you. it would help both of you. a lot of people are having to abandon their pets because of the economy...
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I hate this picture, it is extremely disgusting and ugly.
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I just want to say THANKS to whoever let their damn chihuahua, dachshund, or whatever kind of rat-looking dog run loose and hit the front air-dam on my Camaro at 55 mph. Thanks for cracking my paint job! It would've been OK if I were in a Jeep or SUV.
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We got to dissect giant albino rats in AP biology. Why did they always pair us guys up with squeamish girls?
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Can we please please please get rid of this picture?
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Why? That picture is now my desktop background.
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I call BS on this shit!
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*call it whatever you want but it was very traumatic as five year old to find my cats dead and bloody hanging from a maple tree as i was trying to get on the school bus. i have always felt bad that it happened, i think that's why i am more of a dog person.
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I laughed at this.
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I did really messed up things to cats when I was little too :( I think I have been forgiven?!
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^that depends on whether or not you have stopped doing "messed up" things to cats lol!
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when i was little, i used to find baby birds on the ground under trees. i would continue to throw them in the air as high as i could thinking they would fly back up to their nests. i never understood why they kept dying after a few tries. sometimes you just dont 'get' things as a kid so unless you did it maliciously, forgive yourself and go get yourself a cat that needs saving.
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