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HOLY COW...I'm going to be unemployed on December 31st and have no idea what I'm going to do!

HOLY COW...I'm going to be unemployed on December 31st and have no idea what I'm going to do!

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Merry Christmas. Happy New Year!
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Same here.. boss walked in after 30 years and said we're all being let go. No where to work. No jobs in my field and a mortgage and family to support. What the hell happened to Michigan? When un employment runs out then what? Welfare? If I can't get a job my home and family are doomed. But we're trying to keep Christmas normal for our grandkids sake.It's scary to think that I might not really be able to find a job. I've never been so scared in my life.
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That sucks. There's a lot of fear in my office about that same thing ... several offices in other states have closed and we're thinking it's just a matter of time before it gets to Texas. And I just bought a house, still have a car payment, etc. I hope it works out for you. Good luck ...
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I was there myself a year ago...both my wife and I lost our jobs; we burned through our savings and ended up declaring bankruptcy. I finally found a job six months ago, at 50% of what I was previously making, and I feel lucky to have a job! Houston has managed to stay ahead of the recession, but the reality is that many of us are only a few paychecks away from being homeless.
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The CLINTON era started this. Forcing fianance companies to LEND to ANYONE. It just took the Bush years to build up the Dam until it burst. Obama is a putz. Here he blasted Bush for the war..and is now ordering more troops. He's a Bush Mini-Me LOL ^2up... they have gotten BETTER?? Did you read this man's post? It is a running theme!
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Ok you guys will see the root when you stop blaming the president puppets, they actually are not in charge of anything!!
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Grab any one item in your house. Does it say "Made in China" on it?
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I hear theres jobs in North Dakota. Colder than hell though!!
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so now it is 2012, how is that Obama change working for you?
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not really a secret is it? or are you being a putz and not telling your family?
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The bailed out banks are showing record profits again, thank you God. And the recession is over, haven't you heard? Next: huge tax hikes to pay for all these bailouts and the Healthcare plan that will enhance the government and detract from your health and wallet to pay for it. A big THANKS to the Obama and his cabal of traitors. Hey all you unemployed... eat cake, if you have no bread. Yeah, this is real change all right. The Mrs. Obama has 26 assistants to help her through her days at a cost of 1.5 million dollars a year. Mrs. Bush had 2, Hillary Clinton had 3. Nancy Pelosi couldn't live with the executive jet the government provided her so she had them get her a commercial jet and outfitted it with offices and bars and bedrooms and showers and God knows what at a cost of $40,000 per hour to operate. The aristocracy lives! You outa work? Too fuCkIng bad, our government isn't.
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^Outstanding comment
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Wow, some really bitter, uninformed folks here!! Ever think that just MAYBE this quagmire we're in took more than just this year to create?? Let's not forget that Obama inherited this mess, and face it, things HAVE gotten better this year - unemployment was at its highest in the US in January, been dropping since. To the OP - I was laid off in September, still looking, still collecting unemployment. Haven't found anything yet, maybe after the new year? There's no one really to blame, it can be spread evenly across the government and US, as the American people, for some of us making bad choices and some of us allowing Bush to run this country into the shitter. Don't blame - just keep your head up, keep looking, and keep your families and neighbors in the loop, they may help you out! Good luck to everyone out there in your job hunts, hopefully we'll see the end of this soon.
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^ what a windbag!
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Believe me, you'll get by. I've been on unemployment for a year now, and they just passed a 20 week extension for states that have over 10% unemployed. You'll be surprised at how much cost you can cut from your budget. I have a line on a job that will pay 30% less than my old one, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck, keep your chin up.
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Hi everyone,I'm the one who posted this comment. I just wanted to say thanks for your kind words. At times I wanted to feel sorry for myself, but I know so many have it so much worse than I do. If I had a family to look after as well, I would be having a nervous breakdown. P.S. That truly made me laugh about not being able to afford the syrup!
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This site always makes me laugh with the comments. You can never tell which way they will go. Gutter or help for the person.
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my husband is military and I feel super blessed that at least for the moment our job is safe. I know that it is a scary time in America... I agree with the comment... Change we can believe in.
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Maybe you can apply to be the new California cow..not sure what the hours and pay are though.
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Normal people are under extreme hardship and circumstance, and it drives them to do what they wouldn't ordinarily. Everyone be safe and lock your doors, be on guard, protect yourselves. Thinking ahead is easier than regret.
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Collect your unemployment and hope for the best.
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i ate pancakes everyday for a month becuase i was out of work and couldn't afford food....three small pancakes a day and i was thankful for having it. you know it's bad when you can't even afford syrup :)
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Good luck because everywhere is hiring at part time only and for less money. Shit is hitting fan
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The American Dream is a nightmare.
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Change you can believe in.
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To all you folks that are going to end up un-employed....look at the bright side, congress is cooking up a great new health care bill to help save citizens and the government money. Sorry, but the time they are spending on the bill and not on job creation, plus the Trillions of dollars in costs over the next 10 years will be worth it. Sorry, some sacrifices have to be made for the betterment of the collective.
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Change you can believe in...and submit to or as Nancy pointed WILL go to jail. How democratic does that sound? This country is crashing and burning...
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