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I won't lie, I do miss you but everyday that goes by and we're not together I get a little piece of me back.  I love being me!  Your loss, Girlfriend. >:P

I won't lie, I do miss you but everyday that goes by and we're not together I get a little piece of me back. I love being me! Your loss, Girlfriend. >:P

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Category: Secrets

All men are in the same boat as you....NO, I take that back, 95% of the men are in the same boat. After 25 years of marriage, I just do what she wants. Life is just so much easier that really is. But she is teaching me to hide stuff from her and manuver behind her back so she doesn't know things. She is teaching me that the less she knows, the better things are. I tell her nothing unless absolutely necessary. No muss, no fuss, no b****ing, griping. I don't talk hardly at all and only respond to questions or situations as they arise. I have no opinion, if I say something and she disagrees, I quit talking. Life has been so, so very much easier that way. I still get to talk to my friends and people I know, share my thoughts with them and my ideas. They share with me and even if my friends and I disagree we arn't mad about it. We respect it and I'm always open for reconsideration....but not with her. It's her way or no way. It's her way or the Highway. Her assumptions are always defensive and negative, thinking the worst....oh's the life I have I guess.
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You can't be with someone who dosen't except you for who you really are. No matter how much you love them and are attracted to them, it will only cause you pain.
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Freeze, MoFo!
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^1st comment right on target!
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is that what this feeling is?
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thats wisdom, you will only be happy and content when you like you. you can't please everyone so why try?? your good enough for god why should it matter if anyone accepts you?? you should also consider that who ever you've been trying to please isn't who you realy want, do you have the same dreams, goals, desires?? just keep it real and you'll find that one your ment tpo be with!! it'll just come naturaly without any real effert. good luck
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^That's not the life you have to live, it's the one that you have chosen. If you hadn't insisted on making her feel inadequate, unpretty, useless, ect. You would have the best life ever. The reason you are in it is that you didn't give her the best you when you got married. You let her worry, or be insecure without solving the problem. Your approach only makes it get worse and worse until one day, you realize that neither one of you is happy. Did you ever love her enough to spoil her? To reassure her she was your one and only? Were you respectful of her feelings? Or did you ogle every hoochie that passed you with out regard for her feelings. Say what you will but I know it's not all her fault. So does everyone else here.
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^ Unpretty... that's funny! I use the term, ugly, but whatever floats your boat.
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It's the Spamburglar!
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Hello Jenny McClean Pensacola airport, Delta ticket counter. Thank you for sucking my cock and letting me f*** you in the over nighters. Your husband needs to go get tested along with all of our coworkers that you f***.lmfao. muahahahaha sorry Earl your wife is a skank but i love f***in her.
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