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I believe there are others besides Humans sharing the universe we live in......

I believe there are others besides Humans sharing the universe we live in......

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Category: Secrets

you are not alone :Z
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You're probably right.
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I do too. That explains the minority of fags running around with no common sense.
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this is no secreat and it's not something new!!god's word tells us this, there are spirit beings, angels and demonsand lets not forget the holyspirit, gods preasences among us! we ourselves are spirits living in a body, our bodys are not who we are just a temperary home till we go home, the body dies the spirit doesn't but to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord!!!!!
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^ Damn, you watched too many episodes of Battlestar Galactica. Do you go to Comiccons or whatever they're called?
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why does this get such good ratings? it;s no secret that other beings exist. FOR FUCK SAKE, THE entire human race would not be here if it were not from outside sources. IF human DNA was not brought here from comet collisions or distant travelers, then I am santa claus. If it were not for mitochondria (from this planet) mixing with the imported human DNA, then we would not be here. Think outside the f***ing box! research about absolute zero and how such freezing temperatures preserve DNA AND RNA! This planet is billions of years old, and has seen an end to the life that inhabits it a billion times over. :X
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^ Chill
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There may be other intelligent life in the cosmos but we'll never know it. The distances are far too great to allow any realistic expectation that we will EVER contact anyone who might be out there. Wormholes and faster than light travel are great science fiction but fiction nonetheless. So the point is moot. Those who believe we have been visited or are being visited are hysterical... the mind is an amazing device that can go astray and frequently does. We also have this tendency for wishful thinking and the dramatic.
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wow - you believe in aliens. thanks for spilling your so called "secret"
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You have to logically imagine that there are civilizations outside of our known universe who are advanced thousands, if not millions, of years ahead of us. They have technology that we haven't even thought of yet. I think it's a possibility. What kind of "God" would they have? The same as ours? None at all?
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On;y arrogance, self-centeredness and stupidity make so many think the human race is the only technilogicly advanced species in the universe.
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The little green men are coming! The little green men are coming!! Run...They have the butt probes ready...
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^ I thought Target quit selling "Illegal Alien" costumes for Halloween?
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I believe in owls, too. AND THEY ALL LAUGHED AT ME. FOOLS.
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three letters- DMT. It will bolster your belief beyond your wildest dreams.
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^there could be no future progression of science and technology without science fiction :Z
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There are - they're called Animals.
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^ LMFAO! Humans are animals too.
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Just think, we are sending micro-organisms to other planets in our own solar system.
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we did, it was called the moon, pathogens, how nice our we as people...oh yes, and for others: plants, dogs, cats....... beings with intelligent processes..
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