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Im going to just let loose this weekend and get so fucking drunk ,I need this . I cant wait to have a chance to be 22. b/c Monday its back 2wife,mother,student!

Im going to just let loose this weekend and get so fucking drunk ,I need this . I cant wait to have a chance to be 22. b/c Monday its back 2wife,mother,student!

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Category: Secrets

A wife and mother at 22? Yikes!! Sounds like you have a history of making bad decisions. If you "need" to get drunk, then you clearly also need counseling. You also need to grow up and accept that life is no longer about you, it's about your child. If you do get wasted this weekend, I hope someone calls child services and that your child is removed from this abusive situation. Remember, your ISP can be tracked.
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^Asshole. No one is tracking you. Have fun this weekend, from the sounds of it, its well deserved.
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No, she's a horrible person. The kind who will definitely end up on Jerry Springer.
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Nasty... what a filthy person. I bet she has drunk sex with random men with her kids sleeping in the next room.
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To the first post you're a dumbass! She deservs a break and have time to herself after the hectic life. She didn't say she's going to sleep any guys. I'm a guy and I would let my wife do that if she wants.
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Have fun. Get drunk. Enjoy all of the cock and/or pussy you can get.You only live once.
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shes a NUN....or her day off !
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^ she gave up Lent for it !
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Sad, sad person..... she's screwed her life up with bad decisions, now she's making more. Fail.
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ur all douche bags if this woman wants to have fun one in awhile who cares !
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i think the pic she chose is why everyone is up in arms....if that's the image she plans on trying to copy i feel sorry for her!
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Well, how's that hangover?
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Not one comment about anal? C'mon people, you're slipping here.
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^ her "anal" dept is used as a bottle opener !
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You wanted to have a family so hey, now you have to deal with all the pressures that come with it! By the time I was 22 I was married, had 2 kids and another one on the way. I worked full time and still went home and cooked and cleaned and played with the kids. I didn't get "wasted" because I didn't feel the need to escape by destroying brain and liver cells! Sheesh, if you need time off go someplace fun or do something great for yourself but getting WASTED isn't going to help anything.. yuk
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It's good to just let it goe and let that cat out of that bag!!! Rock it and Shake it girl. Shake off that dust and kick up those heels. People need this, they need to just bust out every once and awhile and have some hoe-down. Enjoy. Unlike some of these other stuffy jerks, you have my blessing!!
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yes you deserve a break, and should go have fun! but something tells me you are probably an alcoholic....most mother's would rather be home with their kids than out in a bar (without your husband) getting "f***ing drunk" as YOU so delicately put it....that is not a release it is very destructive and i'm sure your kids don't want mommy to end up as a lush
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Sorry, you made the bad decisions to get married and have children WAYYY too young. Now you have to live with the responsibility. Getting "f***ing drunk" is not an option for you now. Live with it, and find a healthier outlet.
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You all are being way too harsh. Save it for the idiots that get drunk everyday with their kids. There is nothing wrong with getting drunk as long as it's the right situation. She planned it, and she will get a really good night's sleep afterward. Good grief.
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say what you like but I am going to have a great time with a bunch of fantastic friends i havent seen in a while , I do plan on getting pretty trashed ...while my husband is at home w/ our son taking excellent care of him !if im a bad mother for arranging to go out every once in a great while then so be it . Im still super excited :) its like being set free for a night after being caged for 3 yrs lol
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There is nothing wrong with having a little fun. Life does not end with kids. As long as it isn't a regular accurance, there is NOTHING wrong with it. I'm sure all of you are perfect parents that devote every ounce of your life to your children.
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That looks like my soon to be ex...
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what a fat ugly slut
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There is no telling who's been in that.
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OOOOH but the hangover is so not worth it!
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My husband is watching the our son
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^Child services, really? What a moron. I'm sure the woman will have a babysitter. I doubt she plans on passing out naked on a park table either. Maybe having a drink with friends now and then is her way of maintaining those social bonds which are vital to her mental health. Her mental health is vital to her children's health. Not everyone "needs" a daily dose of Xanax to maintain.
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^You apparently cannot read. She's not "having a drink with friends", she's getting wasted like the redneck trash she is. What world do you live in? ROFL @ "social bonds vital to her mental health". What garbage - she's immature and a bad mother, period. No decent mother would ever get blind drunk if they have a child to take care of, regardless of whether she has a babysitter or not.
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Typical trailer park trash
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Let the girl go have a wild time and let loose. Everybody needs that from time to time, especially when you have kids. Maybe her husband is keeping the kids so she can have a break. Judgmental condescending losers here!
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^or AIDS!!!
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Anyone defending this tramp is obviously just as much a waste of carbon as she is.
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