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Whoever said "money can't buy you happiness" didn't know what the hell they were talking about. I'm always happier when I have money than when I don't.

Whoever said "money can't buy you happiness" didn't know what the hell they were talking about. I'm always happier when I have money than when I don't.

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Category: Secrets

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Preach Brother!!!!!
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I always feel like somebody's watching me...
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LOL, try not to smile on a jetski or motorcycle 8)
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I've been poor, I am rich.Believe me Rich is sooooo much better.
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where are the a** ****s that always cry "this isn't a secret" to this type of post?
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Well said.
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Being broke, and down and out, is the litmus test of friendships. When you're prosperous, and you can set up the bar for everybody, then all the world is your friend. When you're on the ropes financially, watch your "friends" melt away! Trust me on this.
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To the op: That means you are shallow...I wouldn't tell anybody else.
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^ Do you think that homosexuals are the only ones that don't have kids?
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money buys pet and pets r happieness
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no shit
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The truth lies somewhere in between. While money cannot BUY happiness, it CAN eliminate MANY causes of unhappiness. Anyone with sense knows that it is necessary to have sufficient means to provide for one's needs (ideally with enough surplus so that worrying about paying bills is not a stressor). On the other hand, once that threshold is reached, sacrificing one's physical/intellectual/emotional needs solely to earn more is unwise.
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Totally agree with you. I feel on top of the world and more confident when I got money in the bank.
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This isn't a secret (*)
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i am going to be philosophical right nah and say, it is a "false" happiness... but really.... going out the eat and buying new dark wash jeans beats top ramen and sweats any day! but sometimes sweats and poptarts is fun :)
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Whoa, whoa, whoa.Poptarts rule.I'm 20 years since college, and I LOVE RAMEN!Filet Mignon is to die for, but I still eat ramen. And 'Skettios with Meatballs!
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This ain't no's just common knowlege.
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I know I'd be happier if I had money...the only people who say that are the people that have never had the problems that go along with being broke!
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I had plenty of money over the last few years, but as the economy went downhill so has my income. I wasn't happy with my life then, I had no one to spend my time with. No one to take out to dinner or go on a cruise with. Why would I be happier now that I can't afford a cruise? I have someone to take with me, whether to the store, the park, to bed or a cruise. It is so much better to have love.
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