thank you every one Halloween will be great i have not had a thing since i wrote this, and i called my doctor told her i need help. again thank you
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strangers your kind word are helping me more than any thing. i threw out every pill i had and i am working with my doctor about my depression. again thank you..<3 writer
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You have taken the first step. Self recognition. Do whats right for the child.
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Become a beauty queen momma... you'll meet plenty of women there dealing with the same things, and your daughter will learn how to deal with losing. WIN-WIN situation!
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Everyone can understand that! Try to make an effort to do things you both enjoy. Bringing smiles to childs face will cause a chain reaction.
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i have the cure! do something fun for halloween. you and your little girl! (zane)
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Please, please do something for your girl. Only YOU can break this awful feeling. The drugs will do no good without some real soul searching on your part. Try to determine the root cause of your feelings and make an attempt to correct it..NOW for her sake if not your own. Live, love, SMILE when you can.
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GET HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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No, thank you for being a good example for other people in your situation! We all need more parents like you to do show the rest of us what's right. You have fans now! We support you!
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THANK YOU for making the change and letting us know you're doing better. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!..and it is work sometimes, but the payment comes in love from all around you. Bless you.
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