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I work 4 hours a week in the Health Care Industry. I smoke an ounce a week myself. I NEVER go to work high though.

I work 4 hours a week in the Health Care Industry. I smoke an ounce a week myself. I NEVER go to work high though.

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Category: Secrets

Good for you. Sounds like you dont have a problem at all. You probably just smoke that much because it makes you feel good not because you have to smoke to function. I bet you can stop whenever you want to.
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LOL. "I can stop anytime I want to" Yeah right.
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I am the OP, I can stop when I want to I just like it, it helps me forget about the days work. I love my job, I love the Mentally Ill KIDS I work with but it hurts to see them so hurt and it hurts to know they will never be "normal minded" I smoke from the time I get home until I go to bed. Despite my smoking habit I have never failed a drug test.
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wwweeedddooogggiiieee,roll me up soma dat bud
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you will forget more than the days work. it gets to you in the long run.
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^do you steal urine from your mentally ill kids to pass your piss test?
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you must be smoking swag...i feel kinda sorry for you!
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This is BuLL ShIt! You couldn't possibly smoke that much weed and not be high at work. You'd be smoking 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and still not go through an OZ in a week. Not to mention the cost. You're full of it!!!!
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That looks like some good stuff. That would last me a year.
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is this nancy? you reek of weed when you come into our store!
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I'd rather drive stoned than drunk.
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How can anyone b**** about pot if they've never smoked it?!? I guess it's the same way I think all fags should burn in Hell... *Puff* *Puff* *Pass*
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I don't have children, so it is all good. I NEVER drive if I am high. I just wont. I am a pot head and that's ok with me. What I do on my own time is MINE. I am not justifying anything. I don't see anything wrong with smoking pot. I'm not a drug crazed lunatic. I just like to smoke pot. When I smoke pot nobody dies.... Can you say that for alcohol or heroin or crack or coke? NO. Leave my pot smoking alone!
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smoke away. They call pot a drug but it is merely a plant that grows out of the ground. God made pot and man made booze. Whose wrong?
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6 poster up. Live with it. I wish my parents just smoked pot. People like you need to move. Screw you!
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Why couldn't my parents have been hippies from the 60's. Damn it all!
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I work in a hospital and smoke pot everyday before work, on my break and when I get home...I do my job well and no one will ever be able to tell....
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I don't see why everyone has to hate on my secret! It is the truth! I smoke an ounce a week ALL by myself! I am NEVER high at work. They would know! I am your classic I have high eyes and am f***in' baked look! I don't see anything wrong with smoking POT if you do it responsibly. I pay my bills own my home and don't do other drugs! Its legal in parts of California.. Why? Because well as you all can see its NOT that bad for you. I don't have trouble with my memory, I am NEVER sick, I am at a healthy weight. I don't drive and get high so I am never DUI... who is it bad for you????!!
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^ You're an idiot and a liar. You smoke 24/7, an ounce a week but never high driving or at work. What a crock! And no memory problems. Obviously, you've forgotten how to be a human being. TypicaL POT HEAD, JUSTIFY ANYTHING, just to stay high. You're so FuCkeD up you don't know what is real anymore. If you have kids you're setting them up for hard times with a very bad example to follow not to mention what you're missing of their growing up. Of course, you think all is great, you're stoned, you wouldn't know right from wrong if it required your left arm. Now you'l say..."but I don't have kids." Well, then, it's all good! IDIOT!
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Nothing wrong with smoking pot. It is much healthier and safer than alcohol.
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There's a friggin dope head on here trying to justify to themselves that its ok.
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hey- who needs to justify? it is ok to smoke pot. you sound jealous to me!
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This is a sad commentary on what humanity has become when people not only justify but glorify being stoned constantly. You need help partner. There is a right and wrong and being stoned all the time is WRONG and dimented.
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What we need is a gay, fat-assed, pothead who lost their kid to an abusive slutty-assed grandmother who was molested by her drunk-assed uncle in a custody battle out of state. Now, THAT's a secret!
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^ And the makings for another daytime soap opera...who wants to get started on the script?lol
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I followed that dog around for 3 days, before he finally shit it out...
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I work in healthcare too! I smoke the budda too!! Works GREAT!!
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where is the fema camp poster?
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Party on Wayne!
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Are you shitting me? An ounce is nothing to a true head.You must be one of those light weights that only needs a poof. Well some of us like to get really STONED and that can take an ounce a week.
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Water bongs rock!!
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So I guess now there is going to be an epidemic of secrets about pot use? It is getting old already. Just go blaze up and post something original next time! gheeze!
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