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"They" say people are born gay....I think "They" are full of shit!!!! Gay people are disgusting!

"They" say people are born gay....I think "They" are full of shit!!!! Gay people are disgusting!

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Category: Secrets

I like the way queers try to say everyone is "BI" to some degree... just bullshit to try to justify their perverted lifestyles! Then, they bring up 1000 species that hump the same sex... how many millions of species DON'T, you damn fags?
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Why would anyone CHOSE to be gay with all the hate and ridicule that comes with it..if your born str8 what would ever make someone want to live and have sex with the same gender? All the srt8 people--ask yourselves that..what would make you suck a dick if your srt8...nothing right? well there ya go..your born gay.....
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"They" are genetic scientists who have proven the existence of genes that determine a propensity toward homosexuality. "You" are a bigoted idiot.
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"They" probably also believe in global warming.
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Fuck You a** ****. You're gonna burn in hell for this secret.
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We are in hell you silly goose. Now go toil. Live with sickness pain and grief.
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It's amazing how some people can live in complete denial of scientific fact. Creationists
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You're gay.
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OP: Dude I think you hit on something there. "They" are full of shit, aren't they?
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The gay's that are gross are the ones on Craigs List. I never had a problem with them, you know to each their own, until I read those posts. Geez, why do they get married and have families? Then try to suck everyone in town while their wives aren't home!
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Human beings are not born gay. Being gay is a choice one makes for themselves. The only reason gay people want equal rights is because all they want to do is have the legal right to f*** each other and every one they come across that they deem desirable.That includes your kids. Yeah.......I said it.......
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god created each of us and he said a man shall not lay with a man as he also said a woman shall not lay with a woman, he did not create man kind to be as such it was by man kinds choice to be that way!!!!!! god also said hate the sin not the sinner1111 as he also said if you have fallen short of one sin you have fallen short of all sin, in gods eyes sin is sin!!!! in man kinds eyes everything is on a scale of levels of what is worse . in the end it's ONLY GODS OPPION THAT COUNTS!!!!! GOD IS THE ONE WHO CREATED US AND HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN JUDGE US!!!!!
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ok so if what people are saying is true and people are born with either a gay gene or a straight gene then why are there people that are considered bisexual? did they somehow get a mixed batch of gay an straight genes? yea totally not believing its a gene this i believe its more of an ass thing
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You can look at some Dykes or homos and see a physicality that portends a genetic pre-disposition, but I believe that percentage to be low. Most have a seminal (sorry) experience that "turns" them, or a fetish for the forbidden.
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Actually it's the "AIDS is god's punishment for the gay abomination" crowd that keep Nascar and cheetos in business...the lemmings that they are.
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Dude. When I'm smokin a bowl I like cheetohs and vanilla ice cream. I new a gay dude once but he left town after he got his ass kicked by a cheerleader at school. I thought AIDS came from men humping monkeys in Africa. Is that considered gay if the monkey is a girl?
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I would like to seem some scientific proof there is a GAY gene. A link to some credible documention would suffice.
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^ 2 up - Dude, I think you're still smoking a bowl.
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^ 2 up - here ya go:
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nothing is more disgusting than biggotry
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Nothing is more disgusting than misspelling bigotry.
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Ummmm, to the guy who posted about AIDS/HIV and gays...The guy who CREATED AIDS admitted it. They designed it and have a patented cure for it. It was created to get rid of pretty much everyone who wasn't white. A** h****...
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^^^WTF planet are you from
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Yes, AIDS was created in a lab just as the swine flu virus was created in a lab. Wake up people. My theory as to why it was targeted at homosexuals was because TPTB needed to keep people hating themselves and others. People are easier to control when they are in fear and pain. The AIDS virus backfired because homosexuality is now more out in the open than ever and the consciousness of acceptance for those seeking to love and accept for themselves AS THEY WERE BORN has shifted in our favor. This is one of the reasons Swine Flu was created...mass genocide and population control. But as long as we drop the hate, heal and learn to love, those plans will fail too. So please wake up.
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ROFL @ "created in a lab". Is this lab located at Area 51, or is it operated by the Illuminati? Dolts like you are what keep NASCAR and the makers of Cheetos in business.
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Is there a gene for hatred? As far as I know there is not. People choose to hate others. No one is born hating. There is actual evidence of genetic predisposition to homosexuality. Frankly I find people who choose hate far more disgusting than anything else I can think of. AIDS is NOT a direct result of homosexuality. If you weren't such a small minded hateful bigot and you were capable of doing some research you would discover the truth about the virus... but since you are just a hateful lemming that is content with believing what you are spoonfed from your religion and fox news, you will continue to be the slave you are. Good luck with that.
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the op is gay ,i know him
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Why do gay people feel the need to say, "I"m gay" when being introduced?I have never said to anyone,"Hi,I'm susique, and I'm heterosexual".I really would like real answers, not some stupid off the wall smart a!s ones.Thank you.
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To the people that don't believe that being gay is at least part genetic: "They" have proved it is, can you prove it's not? If so, I'd like to read your article in a "Real" magazing or see it on 60 minutes...or even just the news.
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^^^^^Im not a him dumb ass...and not buyin are born black, you are born white you are born male or female but NO you are not born wanting to "suck dick" Period...I dont need to write a "paper" about it or find something online about it...everyone knows being queer is wrong and you are NOT born that just have a f***ed up mind and want attention.
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Everyone does not feel it is wrong and many intelligent people who have seen the evidence get that you are born that way. Generally those who believe that being gay is a choice and see it as wrong are the severely uneducated, ignorant, often religious, and in most cases fearful of their own sexuality.
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although you are an a** ****, i think the picture is very pretty!!!
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Rude beotches
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Good on you for standing up. If it weren't for all the gays having straight parents then they wouln't even be around!!
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I admire many homosexual people for their courage to love in the face of the hate they constantly experience from ignorant, homophobic, fearful, bitter, angry, controlling people. I also find it ironic that those people often see themselves as being "born that way" and unable to change their hateful ways when in fact THAT is a choice in behavior. I find that disgusting. -signed, a heterosexual wife and mother
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I wonder...if one is not attracted to the opposite sex then why are they attracted to the same sex that looks like and acts like the opposite sex? Not trying to be an ass just wondering how that works.
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^^^ because a dude dressed in drag still has a crank.
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