That's waht we all say. It's just another way to tax us.
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I really think i'm gonna win
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I am going to win the Texas Lottery. It will happen for me.
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I don't want to win the lottery, as i don't wish to become a corrupted empty soul like most of the wealthy people i know.
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^^^Yeah, you and 300 million of your best friends... fools!
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Liars. Nobody would turn it down, we all secretly dream of being wealthy. It's just that some of us would actually do very good things with it. So to the OP: dream your dreams, they are the sparks that can turn into a fire one day....
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I dream about it every day....
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Yeah me too. I am tired of being poor and having to scrounge for everything. Money really would fix my problems. On the other hand though, having money changes you. Not always in a good way. I like me.
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Why is it that people who don't really need it seem to be the lottery winners....why can't those of us who work and struggle each day catch just a tiny break !!!
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because your a loser
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| you know anyone who has won the lottery...or know anyone who knows anyone who has? NO? Because nobody's a scam man. It's all a big lie...there are NO winners!
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