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I believe in God. But not The Bible or any Religion. I'm just waiting for a sign to tell me I'm on the right track.

I believe in God. But not The Bible or any Religion. I'm just waiting for a sign to tell me I'm on the right track.

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Category: Secrets

we all have God...mine is just different than yours. "Dear baby Jesus..."
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Not all of us are believers. Some of us get through life very well on our own, without the 'benefit' (or encumbrance) of a belief in anything supernatural.
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Might as well forget waiting on some sign....It's not going to come.
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Dear Lord Baby Jesus, lying there in your...your little ghost manger, lookin' at your Baby Einstein developmental...videos, learnin' 'bout shapes and colors...
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I feel the same way, only I am not waiting for a sign. I do not believe in the bible. I do believe in a god. As stated before, I think everyones god is different. Maybe it's how we chose to see our god that is different.
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Oh, you'll get your "sign"... you just better recognize it when you see it!
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I'll send a couple Mormons out there to ya! Did you know you could procreate your own entire planet with yourself being its god? No shit! That's what the "nuts" told me! You gotta believe!
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Don't believe in the bible or god. Why do you believe in god in the first place? Because that is what your parents and grandparents believe and the masses in society too? Religions is a retarded concept based on Groupthink. No one has ever seen god, touched it or talked to it. It is just a bunch of horse shit that people fall for because of the fear of Hell and the unknown in the afterlife. Just like the world feel for the bullshit with the Y2K scare. It is exactly the same concept. Just live your own life, make your own decision according your your own good logic and you will finally be happier than ever before. I was raised in a baptist church and stayed in it for 40 years. When I quit the church I felt like I lived freely for the first time in my life.
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You are on the right track :)
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Thanks for writing--GOD
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I agree, religion is the biggest con ever pulled on man. stupid willing sheep.
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My God can beat up your God!
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