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Nobody likes me.  I am not warm and fuzzy.  So I am a loner by default.  Hardwired to solve problems, not socialize and schmooze.  Wish I had friends.

Nobody likes me. I am not warm and fuzzy. So I am a loner by default. Hardwired to solve problems, not socialize and schmooze. Wish I had friends.

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Category: secrets

I am in the same boat. I use to be fine with no friends. I am married, and my wife is my best friend, but other than her I have no friends.
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Yep I'm the same and in todays world no one appreciates a hard worker... it's all in who you know. It's irritating and severely depressing that everyone around me that gets promoted does so because of who they play golf with, or who they blow. I feel like I am babysitting the managers, and am constantly cleaning up other peoples messes. I am not important to the company, but what in the world would they do if I wasn't here?
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It's the John Gault thing. Wish we could just let the incompetents fall on their faces. I just don't know how to maintain friendships. Seems like all the times I've had dinners nobody ever reciprocates. I have tried and tried but remain friendless. The other thing is that I don't call just anyone a friend. Maybe my definition is just too narrow.
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I am exactly the same way. But it kills my wife because she is friendly & when your married it is usually a couple thing. If you don't both get along with the other couple not much happens.
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I love that everyone's comments are so supportive! Yesterday my b**** of a sister said I'm a "hard person". Well she can F herself (no one else is!) because I have a great husband (she doesn't) and just enough friends, and I DON'T NEED HER. She may be warm and fuzzy on the outside, but I know better. "Hard" indeed - she's COLD!
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you have friends...just look a little harder
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No one needs reinforcement that they have value - everyone already has value.
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Im the same, I was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome
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Join a church. You'll have friends, activities to be involved in and feel like you life makes sense with GOD in it. I recommend any "Church of Christ". Their religion is not shoved down your throat.
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im the same way....
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There are a ton of social and aid organizations out there that are not connected to a church. Try volunteering, as suggested above. It can help you get out there, and for most of us, that's all you need.
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I have no friends. Friends bring problems. I already have enough problems.
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Who needs more complications and they will stab you in the back...happens more than you know. I don't have friends and I intend to keep it that way...I am a cold hearted b****
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What the hell? Did I write this and not remember?
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Dang! We are legion!! Sad, tho too.
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friends are overrated
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^^^that is the attitude that keeps people apart. A lot of people 'give a shit', or they wouldn't be seeking catharsis on forums like this, for example.
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friends are overrated ...lmao funny but true....!
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I am the same way. Do you have Asperger's?
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I am like you, and especially like when I was in my teens and twenties. I offer you this thought: You may think people don't like you when they actually; it's just that people like us don't pick up on that. Good luck and G-d bless.
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