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I'm sick of the vast over-reaction about swine flu. 36K/year die from the REGULAR flu. Only 1 w/ swine. Everytime someone near me coughs I yell...SWINE FLU!!!!

I'm sick of the vast over-reaction about swine flu. 36K/year die from the REGULAR flu. Only 1 w/ swine. Everytime someone near me coughs I yell...SWINE FLU!!!!

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i'm sick of it too. people love to overreact.
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It's not how many have died so far, it's the potential. The flu pandemic of 1918 killed 50,000,000 people and we don't have much more to fight it now than we did then. Regular flu kills people already sick or dying, cross-species flu will kill the healthy, and lots of them. If you're not scared, you don't know much. What is scary is that it's mutated this far, if it keeps going, 36k will be a daily statistic, that's what people are scared of. Read a little...
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i have the wine flu.
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I'll be scared of swine flu when pigs fly. A flu is a flu. The deaths are almost always going to be the elderly and infants. I'm in my 20s and healthy otherwise. I have more chance of dying from a comet smacking me in the head. Anyone who gets worked up over something like this needs some serious help. In 6 months we'll all have forgotten about this entirely.
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^2 up. HAHAHA! You are scared? I'm excited the earth can shake off the useless virmin that have been poisoning it and mutilating it's children for years! Simply because we can, we have allowed the slaughter of animals to be as cruel as possible... unneccessarily. You all want to turn your heads when other creatures are screaming in pain, even though there are other ways to get things done. Most people seem to only care about themselves, putting their parents in nursing homes (all of which seem to give minimum care and respect to the patient regardless of the extreme costs), or cheat on their spouses, or ignore and neglect their children and pets. I hope this is what takes us all out. I hope it is painful. I will sacrifice myself willingly and happily knowing that this is for the best. If you think I'm crazy, then you are the exact kind of person that will cause the whole world to be exterminated. That's your fault.
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"swine flu, swine flu, what ya gonna do, what ya gonna do when it infects you"
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Three up: "a flu is a flu". So where did you go for medical school? Actually, where did you go to college? I'm going to take a wild guess that you don't have an education past high school. If you do, it's in some bullshit major. So you're young and healthy? Do you know what cytokine protiens are? No? What a shocker. Look it up. How about hemaglutanin? Still nothing? Again, I'm shocked. One more; how about neuraminidase. Oh, but you don't need to know what those things've got it all figured out. How's work at Mcdonalds treating you?
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^^two up: This is from the la times-can you bea this guy? "Let's not lose track of the fact that the normal seasonal influenza is a huge public health problem that kills tens of thousands of people in the U.S. alone and hundreds of thousands around the world," said Dr. Christopher Olsen, a molecular virologist who studies swine flu at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine in Madison.
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^^Three Up... No doubt you got some ivy-leauge education. I'm going to take a wild guess and say you hung out with a bunch of other pricks just like you. Do you know what a being a know-it-all b**** is? No? What a shocker. Look it up. How about being a conceited shithead? Still no? Again, I'm shocked. So how's being a complete dick your whole life treating you?
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Actually being a dick is working just fine. Regarding education, I put myself through undergraduate with split bio an chemical engineering. You do that working two to three part time jobs then you get to be a "conceited shithead". Also, I have no "connections" just hard work. To the guy above you, I don't see how that quote is an argument whatsover regarding what I wrote. I completely agree with him regarding the common flu. We have built up an immunity to the common flu, however, it still kills many elderly/sick/young people each year. The swine flu, or other cross-species flus kill the young and healthy through something called a cytokine storm, where the body overreacts to the new virus. It takes a specific mutation for a flu from another species to begin to propigate itself from human to human, and when this scared. So my point was, the Mr. Macho above my other comment saying how he is young and therefore not worried, should be quite the opposite. Oh, and I am smarter than you;)
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Only the strong SHOULD survive - natural selection.
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My friends and I do that too, and we all just got back from Mexico (100% healthy)
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ya. we have such an uproar about this...but how many people die a year from AIDS? We dont have an AIDS uproar
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