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I am deathly afraid of Fish. I love the water but afraid to get in.I would die before i held one. HELP

I am deathly afraid of Fish. I love the water but afraid to get in.I would die before i held one. HELP

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Category: secrets

I'm afraid of both..
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If you really want or need to go in the ocean, and don't know how to conquer your fear, look into hypnosis. Yeah, it's gotten gimmicky with weight loss and smoking, but I did it once and was amazed at how, even though I felt conscious the entire time, when she asked a question, I answered honestly without knowing where the answers were coming could help you understand the root of your fear, the 1st step to conquering it!
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Try visiting an aquarium where you can touch starfish and non moving things. Do it one finger at a time. Try the rays next. It's the expectation that is the worst.
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Eat some sushi with your hands. That way, you know they can't hurt you cause their dead, AND you get to eat there little punk asses.
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The fear of fish is actually far more common than you probably think. I admitted to some friends that I have this fear and I was surprised when people said "ME TOO!"
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