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If you cant go on:
I found out my sis was sleeping with my husband. I set up a camera in our room and caught them.  emailed the video to his and my family and her hubby.

I found out my sis was sleeping with my husband. I set up a camera in our room and caught them. emailed the video to his and my family and her hubby.

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Category: secrets

Seems like not too many of the comments care much about your feelings. Just want you to know that I am on your side and wish you well. Now, what's for supper b itch?
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Nice feet on her
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Got what they deserve!!!
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I love it! Make sure your lawyer gets a copy too!
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Whatever does this all mean I'm not so sure to be sure.
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good job
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Hells yes! Now that's what sweet revenge really means!
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Wow....I am speechless!
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Is this the pic of him finally with that tthless gal?
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way to go
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One up...that's way cool.
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I'm good for fu king the sister as well. Went with a "really nice" girl and she told her sis about our sex together. Next thing I know "sis" gave me a call and wanted to "come over". Needless to say I fu ked them both for several months. LOVED IT!!!
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Good for You - They worked for it they deserve it .
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that was perfect
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Call the Maury Povich show... BTW, no video link on here...
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GOt her number??
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You've certainly been wronged by two loved ones in the worst possible way. But I'm curious to know why you feel that it is ok to make your other loved ones feel bad as well. What's the point of dragging them into this? Maybe your brother-in-law should know, but everyone else? That's pretty selfish too!
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After 15 years of marriage and two daughters, my sister in-law wanted a child also. The details where worked out between the two sisters. I was to spend one week a month impregnating her; this went on for 6 months until she was pregnant. The fact we had a son together is not my secret. My secret from my wife and to be taken to the grave. Is how much of a sex freak her sister was. What started with week 1 giving her some light spankings. Ended with week 6, doing my sister in-law and her girl friend. That was 16 years ago, still married to the same woman. Insight into a man?s thinking: Sex and love are two different things. I don?t need to love someone or even have a relationship to have sex with them.
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