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I decelerate ever so slowly when someone tailgates me.

I decelerate ever so slowly when someone tailgates me.

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I love how you're being threatened by so many loser idiots. Billy badasses on the internet lol. I'll crush you with my big truck ROTFL. Good shit. I'm sure most of you are carless and walking down the freeway. BTW I do the same thing. Its hilarious. I only do it when someone is riding my ass with their brightlights in my friggin eyes and I can't see. You brightlight me, I make you late and I live in the country with single lane roads most double lined :D BITCHESSSSS
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Hee hee, I do too. Actually I'm hoping for a little road rage to happen, I have a 40 S&W waiting to be used to terminate aggressive drivers.
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I dont do it slowly, I slam on the brakes. Usually gets their attention. One day, it'll get me a new car.
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Why don't you just pull into the cruising lane? The Right Lane is the "Cruising Lane." The Left Lane is the "Passing Lane." You are neither a competent driver, nor are you a courteous driver.
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yeah i say slam on the brakes...I need a new car out of it.
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(from OP) Actually I drive 61-63 in the slow lane on the 3 lane freeway. This is California and people can't get there fast enuf. I've been able to get some people (but not most) down to 45mph before they pass. What can I say? It kills the boredom on long commutes.
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I think I love you! I do the same.
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Be careful on the slamming of the brakes cause if you had no reason to do so you can be the one getting in trouble. When I was much younger I would slam on my brakes and flip them off. They thought I was crazy and would back way off! Now I just take my foot off the gas and slow way down.
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how about you stop trying to be a police officer and go the speed of traffic or get the f*** out of my way.
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Not all roads have two lanes...all the roads around where I live (rural Va) are one lane, and if someone is creeping up or down the mountain, it's really annoying.
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I do the exact same thing. And I use the correct lanes, too. Competent AND b****y.
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Funny thing, If you slamm on your brakes, I WONT slow down. My truck will crush you. And you'll be there wondering, WHY!?! and I'll just keep going.... Keep driving slow
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Exactly, people with these little hondas want to play pace car... well, i got news for you. If you want to try anything, pull the f*** over... I f***ing punch you in the face first, then give you an lesson in proper traffic courtesy. Keep f***in playing around wise ass.
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So, how is it that you came to decide that it was your job to police the highways? You, are every much as deadly a road hazard as someone who drives to fast. Where I live, the police will ticket you for ' impeding the flow of traffic' because arbitrarily driving under the speed limit is dangerous !
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Oh boo hoo!
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You know people are only thinking of freeway driving here. I live in hawaii where there are many single laned roads, where I get tailgated, and f*** yeah I slow down...get off my ass I'm going over the speed limit already.
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^^^agree on this one
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"I dont do it slowly, I slam on the brakes. Usually gets their attention. One day, it'll get me a new car." Or my truck will Kill you. Yeah, your family will wonder how a Chevy Bowtie to the back of the head happend... Keep being "that guy slammin on your brakes"
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"If you are in the slow lane, fair is fair. If you are in the fast lane, don't be a parade maker." How true!!!!
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If you are in the left lane, move right, because the left lane is for PASSING, the right lane is for REGULAR TRAVEL
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you're a f***ing a** **** why don't you just get out of the way,who are you to decide how fast everyone should drive!
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I do this too, but only when I'm not in the left lane.
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