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I wish I was more aggressive at making my teen do what I tell him to do. I don't have it in me to become strict and forceful to make things happen.

I wish I was more aggressive at making my teen do what I tell him to do. I don't have it in me to become strict and forceful to make things happen.

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Category: secrets

Yes you do. Quit using this excuse and be a parent.
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I was the same way because my mom abused me as a child. Just as my boys were entering the teen years, I met a wonderful man who changed them for the better. It hurt for a year to see how strict he was with them. But in the long run, he did us a great favor and now they are wonderful teens. I owe him my life for doing what I could not.
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dont ask them what to do, dont tell them what to do, manipulate!
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And this is why your kids are going to become drains on society. Because you can't get off your lazy/unmotivated ass and be a parent. The rest of society will pay for this by paying for their welfare, food stamps, jail time and f*** trophies. You should not have been permitted to breed.
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DUMB ASS, could it be that you still see yourself as a child like in the picture???
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its ok. they'll end up in prison and you won't have to worry about them anymore.
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Pany waist. Grow a set and JUST DO IT!
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It's called being a PARENT! Your kid has plenty of friends, be an adult, be a parent, NOT A FRIEND!
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Shit people! give her a break. It has nothing to do with being lazy! I was raised so damn strict. I heard the No word every fing day. I could do nothing unless it was with the church group. So now I two teenagers who I am not strict with. We have boundaries but I say Yes to them as much as possible. My daughter goes to college fulltime and at the top of her classes with the highest grades and my son who is in high school also has great grades. These kids are loving and kind and spoiled!
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Thank you to the above poster. That was very nice to say. They do say they feel spoiled, but mostly they say they feel loved and thats what counts for me. I always thought my mom was mad at me cause she was always yelling and slapping and hitting me with whatever she could find and then made us go to this terrible mean christian school. Also had to go to church 4 days per week and twice on sundays to get to the alter cause my sisters and I were mad and sinful always, Says the lady minister who my mom thought was God. And I would never forced my kids to go to church till they were 18 either. Wow sounds like I need to do my own Op here. sorry....
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Don't worry about it when I was a teen my mother couldn't tell me a thing but I still respected her and I did not finish high school but I got my GED a job that is training me my own apartment and I drive 07 impala ltz. Im only 19
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hope you HOLD onto THAT job, cause you wont be *trained* for any other job, then the apartment and CAR go right out the window. Oh maybe you dont live in detroit. that how it IS here!!!!
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