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My husband claims to be a Christian, but has secretly had oral with men, and denies it.  I found out the truth.  He will never admit it.  I can't believe it!!

My husband claims to be a Christian, but has secretly had oral with men, and denies it. I found out the truth. He will never admit it. I can't believe it!!

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Category: secrets

Agreed w above can be gay and be a christian. Lying about it is something different as is cheating on your spouse.
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To the poster two up: If you were a true Christian you would know the bible also says Judge not lest ye be judged. No one "chooses" to be gay. You're ignorant. Maybe you should put down the bible and pick up a scientific journal or anything else to educate yourself.
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To the poster two above. It's not only Gay people who say Gays aren't born that way. It's educated people. Science has done studies to prove that homosexual people are born that way. And no, I'm not gay. I'm a straight woman with an open mind. I pity people like you so full of hate for those they don't understand.
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haha Dover. I have just found this site today but I have read about 20 different posts. You sign your name on a lot of them. Who are you? The Gay police? You need to get a life.
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How are you sure?
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How is this a discussion about religion?? Besides the fact that being gay is disgusting and completely wrong, noone sees the problem here? He is screwing around on his wife with the same sex. That is horrible, and the fact that most here don't see that is sickening. Original poster, I hope you can leave him, who knows what he is subjecting you to...
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To the last several posts: b**** FIGHT!!!!!!
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If you have had a penis in your mouth and you are a are at the least, Bi-Sexual/GAY!! Please don't try to say you just wanted "to see what it was like". When you admitted it wasn't that bad, you told on yourself. If you are a man and have sex with a are GAY. At least be man enough to admit that!!!!
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what about having your own penis I'm your mouth. Is that gay?
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Yes. If a man would do his own, I would say that would make him gay also. Geez, how many people think like that?
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A penis, is a penis, is a penis!!! Does it really matter which one? If it's in a guys mouth....YOU ARE GAY!!! Or at least bi. Either way, I don't want you in my bed. hahahahaha
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Poster above, You probably don't have much of one or you wouldn't be on here making your ignorant remarks. Grow up.
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I read this yesterday and didn't know what to say. I still don't, but it seems everyone has turned it into something other than what you intended. So I will be honest. If it were me, I would leave. If he is into men, then there is no way you will satisfy him. I'm sure he loves you, but he will cheat again if that is what he truely desires.
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hey lucky lady, can you say threesome? This could be the best thing that ever happened to you! You and 2 cocks,could be fun!
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All you bible thumping hypocrites read this: If you believe in creation and that God made everything then he obviously made the gays too...whether they were born that way or not! To the OP: Be angry that your husband is a cheating whore and because he broke the contract he made with you. If his behaviour (sucking cock) is so abhorrent to you then put your money where your mouth obviously has NOT been and divorce him. But you probably wont because you are more worried about what your Christian friends would think if you divorced. And then you'd have to tell them why! Oh my! But at least be honest with yourself and your husband. It's not actually the the act of cheating that bothers you so much as who he has been cheating with, is it? And I doubt a threesome would work as the above poster would probably be the one left out in the cold.
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You are ignorant, I have been divorced, so NOOOOOO, I'm not afraid to leave. And as far as a husband cheating, the woman who started her post with BULLSHIT!!, I think you are a man pretending to be a woman. NOBODY is so ignorant to truly believe that its the woman's fault that a man strays or vice versa. They stray because it is a thrill to them to cheat. NOTHING else. You people on here need to grow up. Their is never a reason to cheat. It is nobody's fault except the spouse who is cheating. You are showing your ignorance if you think because you do everything your so called "MAN" wants that he won't stray. Some just like the chase and the conquer. PLEASE!! You and your commments are sickening. What is your IQ? And the one who stated that I would be worried about what my friends think, I don't care what anyone thinks, never have, besides I'm not the man doing a man. But I do believe that no matter what situation arises, people need to be honest. Oh wait, ONLY Christians feel that way, right? Wrong is wrong. If you can't make an intelligent comment to someone's secret, you should keep your mouth shut. I deal with ignorant people all day long. I ignore them, too!!! haha Thanks to all of you who seem to be intelligent enough to make a comment without passing judgement and showing their ignorance. You are appreciated. I feel sorry for the women and the men who are being lied to and cheated on. They don't deserve it, no matter what the other half is telling. People who are cheating with a married person should be ashamed of being so ignorant and falling for the lies and deception. By the way, if you are cheating with a married person, they might leave them for you, but they will do the same to you because it's what and who they are. Don't pat yourself on the back for "winning", you didn't win anything.
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no honey, believe me, i am all woman. those are not the only reasons i know he wont cheat. there's trust and honesty and, oh yeah LOVE. grow the f*** up people, if you both say you want a relationship to last forever then you make it last forever. sex is only a part of marriage. but i feel bad for alot of guys who are stuck with b****es who think that they are owed his love and after a while they just get lazy. you need to realize why you fell in love in the first place. oh well, im tiredof this, im going back to my life and have a f***ing ball.
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Oh HONEY, please take your own advice. You sound like the ONLY thing you have in your marriage is SEX. I feel sorry for YOU. If all you have is sex, that won't hold it together either. He is probably cheating on you right now. He can have the sex and have a deep emotional meaning with someone else; but it is still CHEATING!!!
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god will kill your BF leave him now. while you have a chance to repent. so call me
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Well at least he kept his pants on, and that's, well, sort of Christian...isn't it? (Sounds like you need to replan your future!)
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I'm a gay man, and you wouldn't believe how many "christian" (Often married and with kids) men I have had sex with! (This is the truth!)
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