Places for help:
If you cant go on:
You molested / raped her at 8 I married her at 20 she changed at 23 cause she rembered it all after we went to a counseler. I pay for your sins daily.

You molested / raped her at 8 I married her at 20 she changed at 23 cause she rembered it all after we went to a counseler. I pay for your sins daily.

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Category: secrets

there are a lot of you out there.We must keep an eye on our kids. sorry bud
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I'm sorry it is having such a bad effect on her. Please try and be patient. I'm sure it's hard, but in the end I bet it will be worth it. I was molested at 9. I'm 38 and I delt with it a long time ago. It doesn't effect my relationship with my husband, but I will not let anyone alone with my son. I would kill anyone who did something like that to him with my bare hands. It's scary to think that, but I would!! I will pray for you and your wife.
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Make him/her pay daily also.
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then the question has to be asked... what crazy stuff were you doing that made you have to go to a counselor after 3 years?
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You may love her man, but this problem is not your stuff. Sure, we all feel sorry for her but if she can't come to grips with the fact that your also innocent and that doesn't provide her incentive to work to better her situation in her life and with you, then you need to move on. You don't have to sacrifice your life for this, sorry, you just don't need to be part of the pitty, suffering and depression. If she can't move on, then you need to.
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I am sorry for all the molested people in this world--never realized there were so many--and are all on this web site?
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I also was by several different momma boyfriends.Teenage male babysitter too.It depends on the actual mental;emotional;physical abuse of girl.For me the physical was their hands.Not sex;rape for me it doesnt affect my personal relationships..Other than I watch n listen to clues men send out to my children.I watch for grooming their victims.
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