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i like it when men find me attractive. i just can't stand having sex with them.

i like it when men find me attractive. i just can't stand having sex with them.

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Category: secrets

Good so go f*** your self dike
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The first commenter is an idiot. I understand where you're coming from. Right on girl.
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Stick together fags
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It's a girl thing ... we just LOVE attention!
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your a sad b****
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man some people can be just nasty. why dont you leave her alone this is the year 2009 come on now get with the darn program and understand that if you like men or women, black or white yellow, purple or green. we are all just people and we all have feelings and bleed the same. why does it matter what she likes as its not harming you in any way. im a women and i like men thats my choice hers is women yours might be horses we are all just people and its our choice
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P.S. Dont listen to the haters.
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I'm what is known as a "lipstick lesbian". I'm feminine and I like other feminine women. I like men as friends and have many, but I would have to get drunk to have sex with one. What about this is so threatening to people?
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Two, actually ;-)
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HORSES ??????? neigh neigh !!!!
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I'm all for gay rights. Men loving men, women loving women...but I draw the line at horses and dogs.
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thats cool, i can see why
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I'm a scary lesbian too. Dover
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Archie Bunker here :Ya are a bunch of f***ing fruit cakes.......
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No worries. It's human nature to be flattered when someone is attracted to you.. even if you aren't back.
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what is it about having sex with men that repulses you? Don't get me wrong we are an ugly bunch of creatures, but isn't it human nature to just want to FUCK sometimes?
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