Places for help:
If you cant go on:
Tell that trifling b**** she can have your sorry ass! It will be only a matter of time you realize you made a mistake, but don't come back.

Tell that trifling b**** she can have your sorry ass! It will be only a matter of time you realize you made a mistake, but don't come back.

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Category: secrets

You go, Girl.
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It's never the other woman but the man in the middle who should be labeled a "trifling b****". Looks like you need time to work on your anger.Do yourself a favor and get through your negative feelings before you start dating new people.
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To the person above me...What the hell are you talking about,it's always the other woman. How do you know what really happened in the relationship?
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Your sooo right!! Don't ever take his sorry butt back!! Unfortunately, I did. It has been 5 yrs and it's not the same, but we have a child. I don't trust him, and half the time I wouldn't care if he did do it again. She ended up takin all his money. So now we are broke!! Lol. I learned to be careful what I wish for!!!! Oh to the person who said it's not the woman, yeah it is!!
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High Five Girl. You did the best and most healthy thing for you, that you could do. Good Luck, Dover
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Men who mess around with multiple women are the culprits in the whole scenario.Most of the time,it's the women don't know what exactly transpired but find out,they hate on each other and blame each other verses the culprit in the middle. Honor your words and don't take him back even if he promised you the world.You deserve true love.
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Are you eating sour grapes?Dover
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