none of us do. be glad you have a job!
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Cool. I hope they're not any machines I use, or they might malfunction?
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design bombs....ok?
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don't design bombs... #4 is crap.... u don't want to kill peaple
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no one knows what they are doing in general : )
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If McDonalds pay me $100,000.00 hr hey id flip burger- my job like yours requires alot of inner effort.
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you must be a pretty good bullshitter then
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LOL! I love it!
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i wish you were smart. when i said " design bombs . ok? "? i meant " he prolly sucks at what he does ..............." i really have no idea what the hell i'm doing "......thats wut he wrote :|.oO (dum ass) # 5 is a dum a** :|
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Wow Boeing would probly like to hire you !
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It's Large Hadron Collider. Not trying to be a dick but that's what it is.
I'm in school for engineering. Hope my job isn't like that...
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If the machines you build could possibly kill people due to human error in their design, you should stop. Don't kid yourself. Stop. You don't want innocent blood on your hand. Do something you enjoy.
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Milk it as long as you can. I'm an engineer too are they hiring?
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Looks like a rocket
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if you were getting paid bank to just do your job why pay attention?
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You should be traced, as you are endangering many
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I'm the original poster on this.
The machinery I work on is for sewage treatment. What I do is really not dangerous to anyone- but I'm not familiar yet with the machines, so there's a lot I don't know about. Also, as an engineer I've not been exposed to a lot of things that are coming into play right now, such as tolerances and different classifications of steel alloys and bearings. The learning curve is pretty steep.
And yes, I am a very good bullshitter, enough so to do the job despite the fact that I'm learning as I go.
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Same here. I am being paid alot for my job and given promotion and all that for something I have no clue in what I am doing and no interest at all
The only reason I am still here cause it pays the bills..
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I just hope my toilet dont explode due to somthing you designed. Most Engineers have no Idea how to design things, try to be the poor slob that has to work on things you design, looks good on paper.
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It appears that this is a turboshaft jet engine with two intakes and no transmission shaft. Good thing you don't work for Sikorsky.
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love the honesty!!!
bullshitting your way through work is the american way!
and don't worry, the one or two people who actually know what they are doing and give a shit will do ALL the work and take ALL the responsibility while everyone else hones their "professional pretender" skills.
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A cross sectional view of a 16 stage axial-flow turbine engine....It's easy to see when an engineer is a phoney by what he puts on paper.It's very hard to resist a good brown noser.
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looks like an LM2500 aircraft engine
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I too felt WAY over my head, at first, in my current position. (I'd moved from warehouse/receiving to purchasing). At first I thought: Holy $h1t! What have I gotten myself into! But having a boss who believes in me, and gives me guidance when I need it, has made all the difference. The learning curve was VERY steep. I was immersed in a very hectic, multitasking day, sometimes having to deal with aggravated, hostile co-workders. Here is some of the things that I've learned. 1). God is near to the humble. Ask for his Help, and you will find the motivation and skills that you need in each circumstance. 2). For every problem there is a solution. Be still, seek His inspiration, and, you will find it!!! 3). When someone approaches who needs help, even if they are only a janitor, yield to the moment and give the best assistance you can. We reap what we sow, and we often have to give before we can receive. 4). The continuing, day to day, pursuit of excellence will yield tremendous success long term. After 5 years I am now very respected among my peers, those whom I oversee, and my associates in other companies. Integrity. A good work ethic. Consideration for the trials of others. An eager willingness to learn and serve. If you can cutivate these traits, and be open to continuing challenges and growth, your success is guaranteed.
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I get a big phat paycheck for clearing up the mess you so-called engineers leave behind when behind procedures & policies.
Please don't improve. Thank you.
btw, don't write too much comment, makes you look you're in need of a real life.
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I was in this same situation a few years ago. Most engineers have no clue what they are doing. They just write some chicken scratch equations on a page and feel good about solving the problem.
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I love it how people expect engineers to be these magical beings who don't make mistakes and create flawless designs.
I don't expect perfection. I expect engineers to know how to find and fix errors.
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Hope this is all BS
If you don't know what you are doing get a "Schaum's" - Get a PE refresher book - read instead of posting - work the funny equations w/ the Greek characters in the books. - God, I'm 65 & I still do that - All ENGINEERS do that - It's fun
If you graduated from a real engineering school & took real engineering courses you should know what you are doing.
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Wish i could do that,people WILL die if i screw up,I'd go to jail and my family would be bankrupted.BTW,I'm posting this from a unix system,so there!
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You must work for one of the BIG "3". Cause they sure don't WTF they are doing either.
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This is the OP again. I know what I'm doing when I do the engineering part of things- I've actually made some suggestions that have been implemented. It's the weird-ass billing system, purchasing system and all that shit that I'm having difficulties with- in other words, the non-engineering parts of this. Over the past month or so I've picked up a lot of knowledge on the engineering side of things- this is an extremely specialized little field that I'm in, so it's not the sort of thing we covered in classes.
But I do still feel a bit overwhelmed and confused by some of this. My current project is one that I've come into halfway through, with equipment I know nothing about. It's like being handed a half-rebuilt Mazda with the rotary engine and only a handful of notes and having to direct someone else on how to finish the job.
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This is actually a GE LM2500 gas turbine engine. LM stand for land and marine. They're used to produce power for small towns, sea ships, oil rigs out at sea, etc. Since they're not airborne, the parts can be heavier and more robust. My job is to recommend overhaul repairs. I have no engineering degree, but do know what I'm doing.
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Auto industry Executive no boubt.
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got that ring can't tell them a thing. experience comes with practice
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auto industry exec............those beggars!!!!If you can't sell cars so what!!!!!!!!
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I'm in the same exact boat LOL!!!!!
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The company I work for promoted me into an engineering position a few months ago. My degree is in biochem... Everytime my phone rings and an actual engineer is on the other line it scares the shit out of me!
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I don't think I've ever laughed out loud at anything I've ever online, been amused, but never laughed till this post.
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Welcome to the real world - Luckily we have other people to help us out.
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hehehee... I work with someone like you.
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As long as there is someone to ask "hey come here and look this over for me" you should be "good to go". Maybe a career in politics is in your future!
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I work in the pharma industry at one of the biggest companies. Lots of engineers here are idiots. Too many checks and balances for one guy to make a critical/deadly mistake. And too much money for anyone to care about the waste. If I had the document I could double my tech pay and no one would question my ability. Keep up the good work.
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The more I learn about technology and mechanics the more I am surprised that any of this stuff works for very long or that we depend on it with our lives. An airplane is an aluminum skin over a bunch of parts and wires with fuel all over the place. Then you attach two engines that work by having air forced through them and we stick 200 people in it and fly it 30,000 feet in the air at 500 miles per hour. Then we're surprised when one crashes? There is no magic fairy dust.
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Im a commercial pilot and ive alwaws felt that way. Its mostly all automated anyway.
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Neither do your coworkers, have a great day!!!
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That is an axial-flow jet engine like on airliners. "LHC?!" Not even close!
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Me too!!!
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SUNY at Buffalo offers an ACCREDITED ONLINE Engineering Degree. Don't know who it's accredited by, probably another engineer.
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If you look like an engineer, you are accepted into the fold with open arms. I agree there are enough checks and balances in place that your errors will be reworked.
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This was not written by an engineer; it was written by a smartass!
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Goes to show you why we have nothing of good quality any more.
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You are bored!!!do something you like to do nothing stupid.
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LOL and this is what the tax payers pay for.
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LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe more people shoule be like you and admit they dont have a clue about theor jobs! You are awesome!
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I thought I was doing the same but I soon realized I was smarter than the people I worked for and worked with. I work for the government.
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yeah, like the rest of us.....
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Most engineers are grossly overpaid, the average shift mechanic is a more valuable asset
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Move to China and work on the next generation of Hummers... Everything I've ever bought that was made in China sux! Thanks, Wal-Mart!
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