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I am getting married in less than five months and the it terrifies me.

I am getting married in less than five months and the it terrifies me.

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I agree, It is a pretty scary book
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It should! Are you terrified of the institution of marriage and all that comes with it or do you have doubts about your intended?
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it should terrify're going to be legally bound to another human being and you ultimately have no control over their actions. good luck with that!
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You think that's bad, wait until the divorce!
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I am getting married too in 5 months. I hope you are not my fiance. I too am terrified, but it is journey not a destination. As long as we have eachother and the same goals it will work. I know it. But I also know I am terrified and that is the real reason it took all of these years to finally get mattied.
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Welcome to the human race, this has to be the most unique feeling ever.
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Marissa O. - I want to tell you so badly NOT to marry him!!! It's just not right. But I don't know either of you well enough to confront you.
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Marraige/ relatinships are very hard work. Make sure you really love spending your time and would do ANYTHING for them. Forgivness is key in marriage. ignore the small stuff, believe me there is a lot of small stuff. BUT the good times are better than any you will ever have while single!!
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I'm getting married in 4 months and 2nd guess myself everyday...
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Marriage is hard work. It really is. I don't know 1 person that is actually happy with who they are married to. I was shocked to find out some of the women who cheated on their husbands or want to . Make sure he is the one.
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It is comments like the one above ... "I don't know 1 person that is actually happy." If I have many doubts now, how will I ever know it is the right person. There are so many unhappy married people. Should I continue to be single/alone and happy or should I take the chance and become another one of those very unhappy and trapped people that I see and hear some much about. Are kids worth being unhappy?
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Nothing is worth being unhappy! If you are really that unsure, you shouldn't be doing it. I stopped mine after we had the invitations
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Why? What, like it's a commitment or something?. Divorce attorneys will help you change your mind later if you want to.
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I always say jokingly .....Marriage is a great INSTITUTION.....but really who wnats to be in and INSTITUTION...bada boom!
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I practiced getting married twice decided it I was not very good at it.... so until that rich widow comes along and wants to keep me I am is good most of the time but sucks sometimes too, past the age of white picket fences and flowers and kids playing in the yard at the suburban house, along side the same house next door and next and next etc...She wants to join me on a journey with no agenda and not afraid to get lost on a back road or explore something new than she will be the woman for me, it is just hard to find the one with the bad leg or crutches or walker they all out run me when I am chasing them, can't understand that.....
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