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If you cant go on:
The only reason I am still alive is because im to scared to take my own life.

The only reason I am still alive is because im to scared to take my own life.

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Category: secrets

There is a way out. You are "dead" in Spirit already otherwise you would not consider taking your own mortal life. Dying in sin can bring an eternity of horror. Think it is bad now? It is not too late, but it may be soon. Take it from someone who was once where you were. Do not let the things of this world cause you any more despair. Contact me at Email me on the email link "help". You have died once in Spirit, do not die a second time. Your Spirit can be reborn. There is only one way for this miracle to happen. Jesus is the only way. According to you, there is nothing to lose, but your mortal life and eternity. Everyone gets eternal life, where do you want to spend it? Contact me please! I am offering you a parachute out of darkness and misery. But you have to make the choice. I pray to the Father to attract you tho his son, Jesus Christ, that whoever shall believe in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.
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i totally feel what your saying. i have ALL my life.
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First, stop the drugs. They only will depress you more. Is there anyone or anything you want to live for? People will forgive you if you clean up. My ex is a drug addict, I think of him everday and if he would get clean, I'd love to be a family again. I'm sure someone out there wants you to get better and loves you dearly. Stop being a selfish addict(suicide is extremely selfish) and take control of your life. You can change and life really ain't so bad sober. Good luck!
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I feel the same way. And all I hear with talk like this is the Charlie Brown adult voices.
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pls dont feel that
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i know where u are.....i know how u feel. everybody has their own "advice" but if u haven't experienced it, shut the f*** up! there is no magic cure, there is no one thing that anyone can say, there is no god, there is no this loneliness, there is only u. i am there, i always have been, i always will be.
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If you are addicted to Oxycontin, go get Suboxone. It worked for me. I was snorting 200-400mg of Oxy a day.
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god bless
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I stopped doing drugs and still feel the exact same way. I sobered up to get my children back, but the state still terminated my rights due to my mental condition. I suffer from anxiety and major depression. They want to adopt my beautiful children out now, even though I've went to therapy and been medicated (nothing abusable) for over a year. And that crap above about God having an awful lot of faith in you--- Who cares? You need to have faith in You!! Good Luck and Lots of Love to You.
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Please get some help
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stop the drugs then make an informed decion
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if you stay on the drugs its just a race between the judge and the coroner your choice
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We are on the same boat! We should kill each other!
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rehab is for quiters f*** you move on!!!!!
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Unfortunatly, I'm right there with you.
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the only reason im still alive is because i dont want my parents and brother to suffer over my death. The minute they are gone, im gone...
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That's called self preservation...funny how that works. If you didn't know it was wrong, you'd already be dead.
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I feel the same way. I just don't know which way to do it ....
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I highly recommend skydiving. That's how I did it. Funny thing though, everything changed mid-flight. EVERYTHING. If jumping out of a perfectly good plane doesn't help your point of view, it's certainly a quick,effective and FUN way to go!
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I pray that you stay strong and enjoy life
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noone feels someone elses pain, each its own
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thats what hold me back now......and what they would tell my niece
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To the person who said suicide is selfish is a douche. Saying suicide is selfish is selfish. Why don't you think about the person who is so distraught with anguish and no hope for a happy life instead of how you would feel if they took their own life. Suicide is a way out. I have several sad, half-hearted attempts myself. I'm glad I always chickened out because I am happier than ever now. D-bags that say it's selfish have no freaking clue what it's like. Good luck to the poster of this, hang on if you can because someone in the future might need to hear your recovery story in your own words. Peace.
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I DO know how you fact I was so scared to kill myself that I would lie in bed at night and pray to God that I not to wake up in the morning, of course it never happened, and I still live one day at a time, some days are better then others...and I'd be the first one to admit that medication saved my life! I don't care what others have to say about it at least now I do feel "normal" most of the time.
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I got to the point where I didn't care if I got better or not...but somehow I got on some good meds, and I feel a lot better now. Hope you get better.
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What do you want to die for? You're going to die, anyway. Quit stressing. Go eat a ham sandwich, for Christ's sake. Go watch TV or something.
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Death is a permanent solution to a temporary situation... I know it does not seem that way but life can change when you are ready to take the first step to change it...
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I'm in the same place. Get a little better and pretend to be happy for a few years and die of natural causes or skip the shit. What's does it matter
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Don't blame you;most methods of suicide involve slow suffocation eg pills, drowning, hanging and even jumping off a building may just leave you crippled for life...I would reccommend tying a handgrenade to your head but their difficult to find unless youre in the army
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i am addicted too.
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if you have held on this long you can keep holdin on
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Please know that you are not alone -- I feel the same way, and have for years. My mom will be 88 this year. I've been holding on until she goes, then, all bets are off.
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I am 26- I have overcome heroin, crack, pills of all- mainly OC 80's, lookd like a cancer victim, prostituted and got abducted, lived with someone I was co-dependent with, spent plenty of time in solitude jails. I made up my own mind when I was ready... when will you see there is a choice? I am now sober over 4+ years, became pregnant 2x when I was told I can never have kids, and I have strength to pass on to everyone that crosses my path.. Meow.
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I had an unusually difficult life, and the past year was characterized by a series of losses that was catastrophic. I ceased to function and dearly wanted to die. I sought support but there was none. I was tempted to numb my pain with drugs but knew instinctively that it would only make things worse. Eventually I reached a point where, although I am not happy, I no longer think about killing myself. If anyone had told me I'd get over those feelings I'd be sure they were wrong. *I* was the one who was wrong. I think there's a good chance that eventually your feelings may change. God bless you.
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I hate people who tell you (i know what your going thru) So i wont say that but i will say drugs help but in the end never realy do just make it all harder.
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The only thing that helps me is to consciously and deliberately force myself to turn the focus from myself TO OTHER PEOPLE. I am extremely depressed, but I know that I am a very good person with a lot to offer other people. Learning about people who have lives that are much worse than mine always sobers me. When I think about them and how they overcame their problems, it encourages me to be stronger, more optimistic, and not so wrapped up in my own problems. When I stare at my own problems for too long, they tend to look bigger than they really are.
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I had a spell when I was suicidal. The way I shook it was to change the way i was living; new place, new job, new friends. Helping others will help you as well. If it all
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Shit or get off the pot !!! Suicide is for pussys, my brother took himself out...what a f***er, he had no idea what a selfish act it was..he will never hold my son, my son will never know his unkle or dispite his issues what a truly kind guy he was...or how he left his only brother all alone in the world to fend for himself and to face scary shit all alone...
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me too.
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I felt the same way! Don't do it! I almost drove in front of a semi truck, because I hated my life so. God will never give you more than you can handle. He has faith in you. You can't see the purpose of the pain yet, but you will get through it and live better than you did before the depression. You will have a purpose in life, and you will know!!!!
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suicide is an extreme coping mechanism that is very effective however permanent....may i suggest low doses of magic mushrooms (less is more) and 20-30 minutes of large muscle aerobic exercise daily. worked for myself
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