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The only way I can have an orgasms is when I fantasize about females.  I am a married woman, and my husband has no idea. Im not gay, just bi.

The only way I can have an orgasms is when I fantasize about females. I am a married woman, and my husband has no idea. Im not gay, just bi.

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Category: secrets

I'm a bi male, I've found that male on male gets me off better than man on woman or woman on woman. I also found out that MMF porn gets me off even better... I could never date a guy, only sleep with them. I want a wife and kids when I get older.
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Tell your husband...he might like it.
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I am the exact same way! My ex-husband was very anti-homosexual, even with girl-on-girl stuff. Weird. But I can only get off by thinking of, or watching, women! I'm also bi-curious, not lesbian. I could not tell him either. My current boyfriend does love it though!
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If you want to remain in your marriage, DON'T tell your husband. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
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hare it with your husband
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Maybe you should dress your husband up as a woman and have fun with him.
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What ever makes you happy:-)
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i think you should tell him ,it the right thing to do ,im a man my self i wouldnt be hurt or mad if it going to make our sex life better because you have a thing for women then i would all for it,besides you ll have all that weight off your shoulder and youll feel better.
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My wife shares the same sentiments. It does not bother me. I first learned about it when I was planning our honeymoon. I suppose she had feared that such feelings might discourage me but after what I have seen or done in my life, I figured it is no big deal. Test the waters first to see how your husband respond. I do not know if you guys watch porn movies or not, but if you do, you can pick a title in which there is some woman on woman action as well. If your husband truely cares about you, by seeing that how you respond to such clips, he might get the idea and might be willing to explore more....just a thought.... All the best in your journey...
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~stick a girl-girl porn in the dvd player, he'll eventually get a clue and a hard-on~
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Tell him! He won't mind...mine didn't.
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Watch how he reacts to FF situations. If he is not freaked out then tell him.
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you will destroy your relationship... just as she did ours, your value of love is pending on your actions. Hard to come by and so very easy to loose.
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I feel the exact same way. I've never been with a woman before but lesbian porn turns me on so much and I hate watching MF porn. When my hubby goes down on me I pretend he's a busty blond with a shaved tight pink p****
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ask him how he feels about girl on girl ...depending on his answer thats what you should decide...i am a female and i share the same feelings but my husband knows and LOVES IT. I dont keep anything from him and he is opened minded ...if theres something new i would like to try he doesnt discourage me from it, like when he found out i was bi he went wild for it and our love life has improved greatly
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