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Just got my FFL and have my CCP , now im just waiting for the ghetto moochers to riot .

Just got my FFL and have my CCP , now im just waiting for the ghetto moochers to riot .

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Category: Secrets

Twenty years ago, I would have been appalled by this post. Today I have to agree with the OP! "The Turner Diaries" are coming true!
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Let's hear it for nationwide concealed carry!
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Aside from the assinine stupidity in here, I think any of us who don't arm ourselves is going to be in for some trouble. More and more every day I hear Van Jones and his ilk trying to open riots. If not him, then these "99%" (non-working, collecting from the 53% who do) people are becoming increasingly violent. When will we have to defend our lives with lethal force? I believe it's coming and it's coming fast. Arm yourself and be ready.
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^You're a sociopath. How many you got burried in that back yard there southern man?
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3^ Even with the money to never work, I still prefer caring for my own yard, dressing myself, earning my way by producing things that are valuable to others.
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^yeah like in the white house.
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The FFL was a mistake.
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Hate much?
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^ Troll much? Do you like not working?
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You got more to fear from desperate suburbanites than the ghetto. In any case, when that point is reached there will be no feds to check the licenses.
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1 up. I think anyone who does not like Al Quada or Bin Ladin are being haters.
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3 up. White trash eh? How do you know this was not an Asian, Hispanic, or another black person? I know someone in each of these races who own a concealed carry permit(CCP)
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Isn't the first post halarious? the last 60 years of history tells us that 99.9% of violent riots came from the ghetto, and the first poster wants to accuse the OP of hating. There is nothing wrong with hating when there is good reason.
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Uh...he didn't specify any race. Is it racist to assume he or she meant minorities when he said 'ghetto moochers'? Could be.
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