Those of you whom are non believers you will regret that position one all probably do not believe in a ny God(I call supreme being),YES we are called sensitives we are very sensitive to emotions around us. I used to absorb peoples sadness around me from grammar school till now, when I was young I did not understand it and it used to drain my energy and I would be worn out a lot. As i got older during 60's we became more open to mysterious things, I had to put up a mental wall to protect my self from being sad all the time. I successfully have negotiated til now in my 60's, I learned how to turn on my sensitivity when I could help someone and turn it off to avoid being overwhelmed. YES it does exist and I just wish my psychic sensitivity was stronger and more prominent so I could read people's life and future.DO NOT KNOCK IT TILL YOU TRY IT OR EXPERIENCE IT!
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from afar?
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You must be an empath. There was a Star Trek episode about that. A Star Trek movie, too. A lot can be learned from Star Trek. Live long...and prosper.
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Twins feel each others pain. I can feel people's pain unfortunately, but only if they are close enough to read or if I have some type of relationship with said person. The key is to try and heal a person's pain, which is why you feel it. Heal people with words and compassionate listening, that's the other side of the gift.
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Btw, there are people in this world that can feel people's pain. I am also a medium, I can read some people like a book. Hey, just because you're a typical empty vessel doesn't mean you can call people stupid. What a shallow world we live in. OP: So can I. It's a gift, but feels more like a curse. I don't always want to give a f*** about other people, but I don't have a choice.
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1 up: oh, pleeeeese. Alright, tell me something about myself, mrs. medium
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^...very well, I know that everything you eat turns to poop !
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1 up. You are correct. They can't. Post #1 is about as retarded as can be. Television as reality. Christ, some people are f ucktards
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No, you can't. Period.
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Why do you want to? Absorb pain, I mean.
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^....feeling my own will cause blindness !!!
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But do you feel it as your own?
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I can absorb pain name is Jack Daniels.
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4, 6 and 7^ you speak so absolutely about something you are clearly ignorant of, which is a sure sign of stupidity. Several studies on twins have shown the ability to feel pain from a distance.
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Many of us can and do. The trick is knowing what to do with it once you have absorbed it so you don't create a big giant tumor.
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3 up...Was Alfonse just a little famous, or Mucha famous? Do tell !!
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What a liar! Why do people say dumb things like this?? You can't feel others pain. You're just stupid.
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The poster was done by Alfonse Mucha, very famous at the time.
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^ If you are speaking of the christian god, no i don't. As for other conceptions of a creative force in the universe, I find a few ideas intriguing. Let me guess; you *believe* there is no god, christian or otherwise. Right? Now take a moment to note that I never said I believed in the twin studies, only stated that they exist and it is foolish to *believe* in the absence of something even in the absence of evidence, when that something is suggested from the personal experience of others and possibly verifiable evidence. Set your anti-belief agenda aside for a moment, and you'll realize you're as wrapped up in belief as those you rail against.
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1 up. I am not going anywhere. Let me guess; you believe in god too. Right?
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7^ You are wilfully ignorant, yet you feel the need to comment. You should go back to work and leave life and thinking to those who enjoy it, shithead,
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1 up: Baaaaahahahahaha! Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha
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...and I can fly because I have dragon wings on my ass. The wings are blue too, oh and I can shoot fire out of my ass. I shoot flames at people and they feel pain. Did you ever absorb their pain? Did it burn?
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1 up. Oh, STFU. There have been many, many research conclusions stating truth only later revealed to be psychobabble(an actual word meaning nonsense)
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Take mine...please.
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3^ Everything is relative to the perspective granted by your experiences? No one can know any thing? There's a Bradbury story about this, Albert Hitchcock and Mark Twain are on a space shuttle...hahaha
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3^ The actual words I used were "possibly verifiable." As in, you could find the studies and look at them to verify or discredit them, instead of making a generalization and trying to shove that down everyone's throat. You're no better than the Imam that tried to convert me in Krogers. Enjoy your faith, moroff.
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7 ^^^, I can already tell you're about as sharp as a marble, and you're not even in the same room.
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it is really hard for an indivisual to "know" they are different than other people in terms of abilities relating to people. what you think you might eb able to do might be something most people can do but someone in your life has told you you are special. so you believe it. no one can really know what is normal and what is not.
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1 up. LoL Isn't "Possibly Verified" a contridiction in terms? I spent many years practicing my faith. Then had an epiphany and realized there is no god and no force. It is total bunk. If you think you can feel the physical pain of others you have nothing more than a creative mind. You have nothing transcendental. So, you think you can transcendentally feel pain? Then I defy you to contact magician James Randi. He has a standing one million dollar bet that you or anyone else who claims to have paranormal, are phoney. Now, if you are so sure that you have this ability then I, and everyone else on this thread expects you to take James Randi up on his offer. Otherwise, STFU!!!!!
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please take mine.
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Don't be discouraged. There is no voodoo involved, certain people can read body language really well, and have the balls to act upon seeing distress and pain. It's no super power, but its rare to find empathy coupled with concern...
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Dr. Benway can remove bowel cancer with a rusty sardine can and cleaned in his own spit.
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Why would you want to? Without suffering there is no compassion.
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^ Hold this moment. Cherish it. Let your light shine out so all can see..."only space. Only space. Only the gap." The story is "No Particular night or Morning" from The Illustrated Man.
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That's "Alfred" Hitchcock . . . Don't speak of what you do not know.
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