Places for help:
If you cant go on:
he's hurting me

he's hurting me

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Category: Secrets

Then you need to spit on it before he penetrates you.
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I'll bet his 'thing' is too big. Start dating only Asian guys till you've had time to heal.
Remove this stupid comment dressing you up as a smurf ?????
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Don't tell us. Tell Papa Smurf!
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Then brush him off and move on. ;)
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^good one.
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To the OP: You are turning to the internet for advice. Don't complain about getting funky replies you goddamned idiot. Don't think we are going to believe you are upset because you got off-color remarks for your stupid secret. If someone is hurting something about it! don't bait us trolls you f***ing twit, we love this shit!
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That little cute caterpillar has a huge dick?
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maybe this is a child who cant leave/doesnt know what to do..............
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There are some really asinine comments on here. If this is for real, find someone you trust and ask for help.
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if you're serious, tell someone
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op, If it's not a relationship or .... what were you hoping to accomplish then.... you were looking for kindness??? I could be kind by saying this...... hope you are fine.... hope your family is well...
I wish the best for you and yours.... and i'll stop being confused by you.....
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Agree w/ 1 up... sorry for the a**hole commenters on here... but if you're being abused get help, find out why you think you deserve the abuse. There is no reason today to put up with that. (I'm a male.) Please contact a woman's shelter for their advice. Just make the call. You don't deserve this. If you were my long lost daughter ... I'd love you unconditionally... you don't deserve this, someone loves you, find them.
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^2 you seemed to be a bit confused. Are you attemting to send a message to "him"?
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IF your getting hurt get out. Woman dont deserve to be abused by anyone. But sadly it happens. Im praying for you.
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2 up Good point. 4 up. If we must split hairs, then Oriental will be fitting enough. Still, my point in 5 up is the same. But you got the point in the first place
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Get smurfed.
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Then leave. If he is hurting you and you stay, don't complain about it.
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*OP lots of hate on this site. wasn't looking for pity but hoping for some kind words. i'm not referring to a partner or sex
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Please call the police.Or if possible go to a women's shelter. Good Luck.
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Is this man's name Gargomel by any chance?
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5^ I will stick my Asian thing in you and it hurt you REAL bad. You racist whore.
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1 up. What is wrong with racism? You know as well as us that Asians are the most nationalist race of any other.
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^Asians do not constitute a race or nationality, you twit!
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That's just smurfy!
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2 up...tell me then, are Jews a race or a nationality, or a religion, or what ?
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Try KY jelly dumb-ass...
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