Places for help:
If you cant go on:
It's been a month and I'm tired of waiting.... I'm going on with my life... with or without you. It's apparent you never cared about me as much as I did you....

It's been a month and I'm tired of waiting.... I'm going on with my life... with or without you. It's apparent you never cared about me as much as I did you....

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Category: Secrets

Never wait. If someone wants to be with you or call you...they will. Perfect picture but don't be the pitiful kitten. Take back your personal power and be strong. People don't like weakness, beggars, people who wait on the phone to ring. MOVE ON. YOU WILL LEARN FROM THIS EXPERIENCE.
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they usualy never do
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Wow, an entire month?
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Holy shit! You mean you went a whole month waiting and now you are sad, angry, and hurt by the betrayal? Oh, God. What has happened to the humanity of males?? What? What?
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Oh thank you doctor....
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Is she drowning the kitty? This is barbaric.
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my husband waited on me for a long time. he said from the moment we met h e knew i was the one. i was pre occupied with being younge and getting f***ed up, and dating the bad boys. weve been together for 4 years now, love him sooo much!
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Have you tried tossing a penny in all those wells?
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4^ so, just to be clear, we aren't talking about a stray cat?
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Uh, no, of course not. mm-hm-hm
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Maybe you shoulda washed your pussy more often?
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lmao. that's right. because apparently if after one single little month he hasnt figured out that the sun obviously rises and sets out of your ass then he's not worth the effort of farting on. move on and find the next loser to f*** over.
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Are we sure that the poster isn't talking about a stray cat
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Kitty left and the food bowl is going back in the cabinet! Serves em right, quid pro quo affection for food.
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awww such a cute pic
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4^ nope. im just impatient. and this has nothing to do with f***ing losers over. im just tired of waiting for someone to make up their mind whether or not im worthy. if its meant to be, well, we'll speak again someday. if not, well, eh. oh well.
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r u a fattie like the chick in the pic? if so i wouldn't hold my breath.
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