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When they put my dog to sleep, I kept my cool. No one knows that I cried on the way to work that day. I miss you, buddy.

When they put my dog to sleep, I kept my cool. No one knows that I cried on the way to work that day. I miss you, buddy.

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Category: Secrets

anyone who dosnt cry just aint cool
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Damn, I think I ate him in a hot dog today!
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I can relate so much to your post. That dog was lucky to have you as their owner. And they knew you loved them. Don't feel bad that you cried, it makes you human, it makes you caring, it means you have a good heart.I really hope your heart heals. This is a nice tribute to your pet.
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its allright to cry you loved him and miss him
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crying is natural. remember the time you had with him, be assured he loved you too. if that is his pix - he was adorable!
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I was at work when I called and heard the news that my family had to put my childhood dog to sleep. I was crushed that I didn't get to say goodbye. They just did it one day while I was at work and when I called home to see if my Mom needed anything she told me what they did that day and I walked in the break room and cried. I cried again when my husband and I had to put our little guy to sleep. We have one more and she's almost 13 now. It's heart breaking but at least we know they had great happy lives with us while they were here.
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its cool to cry dogs are great friends and loved ones
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They just went and did it while you were at work? Your parents had alot of explaining to do, right?
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I still cry over my 3 Dobermans 1976 - 2007 I pray to God that we will be together again when I die .Grief at it's worse .
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^No, you suck faggot!
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Tough break - they put your dog down while you were at work! That's just so wrong! I hope they had a good reason and apologized to you.
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I cried when "old yeller" died. Sometimes I think dogs (and cats i guess) are better friends than humans.
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sorry fella
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i'm sorry to hear of your great loss.
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I know how you feel, I got over my dad's death a lot faster than my dog, I still miss the HELL out of her.
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Sorry dude. that sux. He looks like such a cutie.
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