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I am a teen mom, and i see so many girls that pretend to be pregnant.. then "pretend to have a misscarriage" when they dont show.. do you think this is cool?

I am a teen mom, and i see so many girls that pretend to be pregnant.. then "pretend to have a misscarriage" when they dont show.. do you think this is cool?

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Category: Secrets

i'm OP .. continuing this. Do you girl think it is cool to throw away your teen years? there are people out there who CANT have kids and you think its funny to f.uck around and try and be cute? its not cute or funny it makes you look stupid. there is NOTHING glamorous about going to bed early and waking up early to make a bottle or change a diaper.. yea they might be cute.. are they still cute when they are screaming? when you have a kid (hopefully never due to your maturity level, ... or lack there of..) i hope your child has colic.. so you can see it is not just little baby clothes and a doll to play dress up with. i love my son, but its hard, especially when you don't have help of you parents.. this is MY FAULT. i did this to my self, my parents raised me, without help.. and now i'm on my own. i have my baby's father, but he works full time, and i'm in school. life is difficult. don't pretend to be pregnant, or try to get pregnant. be a kid before you raise a kid.
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No I don't think it's cool at all. It's actually pretty stupid that these little girls pretend to be pregnant. I think they do that so they can get attention. ^ You're right, these kids should just enjoy their youth while they have it. I would kill to be 14 again!
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im op.. i would kill to be 14 again also.. im only 18.. but again.. i am a teen mom. so that part of my life is over. :(
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look at it as getting ten more years getting to know your kid instead of being robbed of your youth. the average person doesnt have kids til mid to late 20s or later. you will have so much more time with him
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I didn't know teens pretended to be prego, really sad.
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i agrea its messed up that they would pretend to be 8-(
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i think pregp chicks are hotter than hell but i do have an age minimum though lol
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(OP) Long term abortion? .. obviously you didnt read.. i dont not agree, approve nor condone abortion.. and wtf does mexicans have to do with this?
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You teen mom's are a bunch of SCREWBALLS. You should keep your panties on untill you are really ready to raise children.
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i was a teen mom. I had my first child at 17 almost 18 now i am 27 i have 3 childrenand i am married to a wonderful man and my life is finally content. It wasnt always easy but i pushed myself through school and many many jobs to get here and i dealt with a huge amount of heartache as well in the process.***Excuse my errors as i am very tired and I DGAF :D***
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^^^ thank you. and i'm not saying being a teen mom is necessarily a bad thing.. (its not a good thing) but just cause you have kids young.. doesn't mean you will fail as a parent.. (some girls do though..) (OP)
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No - it is not cool. And it is not cool of you to be a teen age mom!
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Whatever you do, please finish school. You may want to consider a tutor for English.
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actually.. i still am in school, next year i go to college.. and i am getting all a's and b's .. as for a tutor.. i don't think its necessary to have perfect spelling and grammar on the internet. although i did just re-read my last comment... yea i f***ed it up LOL. oops.. :P
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not cool? playing pretty teen prego is me and my home girls favorite shit!!!
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...aren't you cool... HAHA! try having a REAL kid.
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I waited till I was 30 to have my first child. I had my home paid for, a good education and a good career and money in the bank. I wanted the best for my child. Oh and I was married to a man who also had a good job. I was hoping my nieces would want a good life too. But they got pregnant in their teens and got married and have a very hard life. Bad marriages. Always broke. Living on welfare. Kids neglected. 1 nieces had more kids and got in drugs and lost her kids. One niece was 14 when she got pregnant and the babies father is in prison. And she drinks and parties all the time living with her mom as her mom raises the baby.. Its all so sad!! Im not saying wait till your 30. Im saying get an education, enjoy life and travel. Get a career and a home before you bring children in this world. Good luck to you Op.. Im glad you are finishing school and you have a good man who is working fulltime.
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well.. i feel for your family.. i have come from.. not the perfect parents.. my mother.. is a piece of work.. to say the least.. (not in a good way) .. and i wanted different for my life.. (having a baby at 17 was not part of the plan).. but plans change.. either way.. im not on welfare, nor do i do drugs.. or drink.. i used to .. but its not like it was before.. i even hate the high of weed now. i NOW enjoy school, not a big fan of traveling.. well over seas that is.. and i am definitely enjoying life, even though sometimes it complicated.. i still cant understand WHY these girls WANT to have a child...
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I didn't teens were doing this, but I do know a woman that was in her late 30's who did it TWICE to my friend because she was scared he would leave her or cheat on about messed up in head. He wound up marrying her.
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OP: there is a girl i know who has been "pregnant" for the last.. almost 8 months.. she isn't "showing" and still drinks.. but every time me or any of my friends see her we ask .. "still pregnant?" her response obviously is yes.. ask her how far along she says "long enough" and walks away.. and another girl who i see one day when i was approximately 15 weeks pregnant.. (almost 4 months) and i saw her and she was like oh what are you doing, told her i was going to cash a check and go shopping, also
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told her i was pregnant , she said she was also, i said i was almost 4 months.. she said she was 2 weeks.. :\ .. uh ok.. 2 weeks later on Facebook. i asked how she was doing.. she told me she found out she was pregnant with twins.. (she found in out in the ultrasound...) so she got an abortion.. RIGHT. IF YOU HAVE EVER BEEN PREGNANT LADIES!! YOU WOULD KNOW! first of all, you VERY VERY VERY rarely get an ultra sound at 4 weeks, THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE!!!! AND AND AND you CANNOT tell if there is TWINS! i called her bullshit.. she got all pissing.. she has claimed to have 3 abortions and 4 miss-carriages .. IN ONE YEAR.. when she never starts showing. SERIOUSLY, ITS NOT COOL. NO ONE THINKS YOUR ARE COOL, ITS ALL FOR ATTENTION AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT!!!! GROW UP! SERIOUSLY. IF YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE SEX, BE AWARE OF THE POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES AND RESPONSIBLE ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH IT! (ps, personal opinion.. i do NOT condone nor approve of abortion, again, personal opinion, i understand , sometimes.. that might be the only good option... **children conceived because of rape??** ) but still .. these girls think its fun to be pregnant.. and have kids so younge, i
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EALLY dont see why or how it is fun. like i said.. yea.. they CAN be cute.. sometimes. if i could do it over.. i don't know what i would choose, i love my son so so much.. and i wasn't on a good path in my life.. AT ALL.. and i have made a lot of great decisions now.. but i still miss just being a teenager.
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wow ..... i feel for you OP, but things will get worse before they get better. may whatever force or entity you believe in (or not) help you through the difficult moments in your life
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its not difficult.. like i said before.. i did this to myself.. right? im just flustered with people that think its cool. my mother has had 2 misscarriagesd, my sister had one and my aunt did too.. i personally dont think its cool.. and i dont feel sympathy for these girls who think it is.
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