Page 914Best of All (Highest Rated First)
God, I know I have that felony on my record from 6 yrs ago,but please help me with a job so I can take care of my boys. though I didn't do that,I still changed.
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I feel like an imposter-I work in an office all day and go home at nite-rip of my suit & smoke fat blunts of chronic and watch spongebob.
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I thought I was doing the right thing staying w/ you. I wish I had left you years ago. Even though you are sober, you are still a jerk.
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Today my best friend I've been in love with told me she knew the whole time. She used me to deal with her guy problems. Now I don't care about her anymore.
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i am raising my white flag to you, i surrender my heart, my feelings, my all, to you. i love you. i just hope you'll love me to. i want to be lonely no more. CR
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