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I have a question, does the admin know who's posting?

I have a question, does the admin know who's posting?

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Category: Secrets

AdminRemove this stupid comment

Ok, sweet!
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^What's "IP"?
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^What's an internet adress? Like an e-mail adress, or worse?
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there is definetly an ip log which could be linked to your name.
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Totally anonymous. However IP addresses CAN be traced, no matter what people think. You can be found.
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your internet address. can't remember what it actually means.
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Google IP address, it will explain.
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An IP address is, as mentioned above, your internet address. It looks something like: your Internet Service Providor is sent a subpoena by a law enforcement agency, they are able to provide your personal information.
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I.P. Stands for Interet ProtocolIs it the method by which data is tranferred to and from your computer/device. There is a necessity to send a request to the internet to gain access to the various websites and, in-turn, this data has to be sent back to you. The "address" that it is sent back to is your I.P. Address. So, to answer your question; They don't know who you are, but they have your I.P. Address just in case...
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I.P. Stands for Internet Protocol. It is the method by which data is transferred to and from your computer/device. There is a necessity to send a request to the internet to gain access to the various websites and, in-turn, this data has to be sent back to you. The "address" that it is sent back to is your I.P. Address. So, to answer your question; They don't know who you are, but they have your I.P. Address just in case...
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I. P. = itchy pussy !
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