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My husband doesn't want to have sex anymore, because of his back problem. So much of our marriage is based on sex, I don't know if we can make it. I <3 himSTLL.

My husband doesn't want to have sex anymore, because of his back problem. So much of our marriage is based on sex, I don't know if we can make it. I <3 himSTLL.

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Category: Secrets

You can love someone and not be in love with them. If sex is the main reason you both are together then yes, it won't last.
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Sex is a fundamental component in a HEALTHY lifestyle/marriage between two loving adults, it shouldn't be THE main reason, but it shouldn't be avoided as well. That can cause built up emotions/stress/ and endless others... I know someone who suffered many many years in a completely sexless marriage...believe me this person was taking their anguish out in a number of other horrible ways (excluding infidelity)ie.,drinking,mood swings, emotional insecurity etc.. they stuck by their "sick" mate...they are in the process of splitting... It is not fair for either and should be dealt with respect and registered professionals...there could definitely be an underlying reason behind all this...Dear whomever wrote this u both need help..don't blame yourself..and don't give up if you love him, however that love needs reciprocation hun... and don;t rule out other "inevitable s"
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^ Well said. Talk to a doctor or therapist. There are options our there. You two are not the first couple to have this problem. If you two love each other, there are ways to work through it.
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Check me out in AFF under VERGAGRANDE01 you will be happy u did....
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It sounds like it's not as based on sex as you thought. If you don't think it will last, then it won't, but if you believe in you both, than it can. Good luck.
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When my back was killing me, the PT gave me several positions to try that may not hurt. A few did work. I suggest asking his PT.
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try being diabled at the age of 27,(im now 37) and told by the dr's they wont operate becuz im to young. I spent 3 yrs in PT to get back to walking as good as i can. I can there is nervwe damage and can tell ya thinngs dont always work like they are suppose to. Try to be understanding and maybe try anf get some help for him and yourself. My wife understands although see gets rather pissed at me at times.She also knows there is nothing i can do about my back atm.
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maybe he is having trouble getting an erection and is using the back problem as an excuse because he is embarrased..been there experienced that.
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As the female with a man with back problems, I always "ride". I get exactly what I want, when I want it, the speed I want. He loves to use toys on me or on us. I almost always "win"
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What's for supper, b****?
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