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I found that my wife can and will lie to me up until I show her proof of her deceit.  This casts a cloude on everything she has ever told me or ever will.

I found that my wife can and will lie to me up until I show her proof of her deceit. This casts a cloude on everything she has ever told me or ever will.

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Category: Secrets

lying whores all of them
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I had a wife like that. HAD. It is doomed. I am sorry to have to tell you. But you deserve better.
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Husband was like I divorced him. Life is amazing without lying distrustful people.
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And then you start not even looking at her when she talks. All you can think is B.S. honey.
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time to go joe!!!
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do you have any actual proof? Cause it might all be in your head. Lots of times we talk ourselves into believing something to the point that nothing can change our mind.
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Yeah I can't stand to be around people like that, I can't imagine if I was married to one omg I would slice my ears
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I just broke up with my boyfriend because of his persistent lies. Without truth, there is no trust and wasted time.
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Had a gf like that once. She's dead now. Seems females like to crank up the drama every instant they live. Sad that we taught them to read.
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^Males can really crank up the drama as well. Sad you have such a chauvinistic attitude.:(
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sounds like she needs help or you cannot handle the truth?
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