might be better to run away than to stay and be an awful misery of a mother
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being a mom is definitely the hardest but most rewarding job there is. don't give up. your kids need you.
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That sucks you feel that way. I wish there was something I could do to help you.
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Most women feel that here and there. Don't beat yourself over it and continue to be the awesome Mom that you are.
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my ex did...
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are you my wife?
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I have a female friend who can't have children who would love your problem. I have kids and even when they are hard to handle I am completely thrilled that they are here. They deserve no less. Now stop b****ing and "MOM UP"
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It's true it's hard and yes there are days when I just want to be by myself to do what i want. The rewards when they are young are simple and sometimes far in between, like when they come over to you and say they love you"for no reason" that is rewarding, or when they say silly funny honest things omg is that rewarding to laugh at the things they say and do. I think we as mothers need to let up a little, not as far as consequences and disapline but I mean just let shit go sometimes, seriously, say yes more, stop yelling, and talk to them instead of telling them all the time and explain things in a non intimidating tone. it changes your own outlook as well as your childrens attitudes. You definetly reap what you sow whe it comes to children. good Luck Mothers and remember to laugh, it really flys by so quick.
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Hey mom, what's for supper bit ch?
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Most of these comments were so encouraging, I dont know you but release is always therapy. Hold your head up. Maybe join a Moms group and surround yourself with grown up who enjoy the activities that you do. This way you recharge and feel better. After all, as women most things go by our feelings anyway. You will remember why you wanted to become a mom anyway
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I AGREE. I LOVE my son, but some days feel like just running away. Of course his father is a Jerk, so that does not help. Thankfully he is a good kid. But it can be very stressful. I work full time, had him a little late in life and it seems everything falls on my shoulders. SOme days i feel like running out screaming!! not that i would, but feel like it!! His father is not much help at all, and i also help care for and do errands for my two elderly parents...so I CAN RELATE. Plus i hate being judged by other moms or parents who say it is sooo rewarding and everything is just lovey dovey!! I think they are either on Meds ...lol or have lots of help to cope! I only have one, can't imagine having more than one..GOD BLESS THOSE THAT DO HAVE MORE THAN ONE...I GIVE YOU ALOT OF CREDIT. You must have lots of patience! I LOVE MY SON, BUT SOME DAYS I DEFINITELY FEEL LIKE RUNNING AWAY!!
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my kids make me so happy, even when there monsters. Just laugh it off, they wont be this age forever.
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Maybe you are depressed talked to yoour doctor and he/she may be able to recomand some thearpy for you.
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I raised a great daughter and she moved away and has a family of her own now. I would gladly take the problem off your hands. Some people just can't handle it. I know one that stepped down and gave her child to someone else. I'm sure he has a better life now.
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Amen Sister, I'm so sick of not being appreciated or respected. I've made alot of choices in my life based on my childrens needs, do they care HELL NO !! I want to dissapear too !!
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That's why they are called children...they're not SUPPOSED to say thank you or be respectful or appreciative. It is our job as Moms to TEACH them those things.... your reward will come later in life when they grow up and have children of their own and come to you with an apology or need advice- Now, that being said.... being a mom is exhausting and I don't blame you for feeling that way :( Keep ur head up!
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Right there with you sister. For the people who say it's the greatest thing ever must either be saints, lying, or not a stay at home mother. It's the hardest,constant, most stressful job ever. It never lets up
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