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I suffer from avoidant and paranoid personality disorders. I dont have insurance and no idea how to get help it is ruining my life I cant trust or connect w/any

I suffer from avoidant and paranoid personality disorders. I dont have insurance and no idea how to get help it is ruining my life I cant trust or connect w/any

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Category: Secrets

Don't fight the drugs they will give you. They're your best friends. Zyprexa can give you your life back. Antidepressants are gifts from God. Take them and be grateful. They're your ticket out of hell.
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There are Outreach Organizations that can help direct you unless you're just looking for the attention. Do something, or say nothing. Take ACTION.
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Search in your local state/city for government help. There is help somewhere.
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Awww I feel so bad for you. That's so horrible. I was in the same possition about a year ago and it's the worst feeling ever but you really have to be strong enough to reach out. Please go to your local phsyciatric ward and explain your situation. They have social workers that will set you up with government assistance so you won't have to pay just keep up with the paper work you recieve in the mail every month and you'll be fine. I wish you the best sweet heart
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^^How could they be looking for attention on an annonymous website dick? Get over your self rightouse bullshit
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I recommend you contact a local social service organization. Many, such as "Catholic Family Services" or "Jewish Family Services" have low or no cost counseling available. I don't believe they would turn you away if you were not a member of those faiths, but even if they did I'm certain they would refer you to some place where you could get the help you need.
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I am the origanal poster of this comment and I just want to thank people for their comments...I am definatly going to reach out for help somehow but im the meantime I have been praying and I feel great...the weird thing is I had never really believed in god
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I agree with what others have said. You need to seek help! There are places in every city, even smaller ones, that were created to help people who can't afford it. I live in a smallish city in North Texas, and my best friend works for one. If we have one, there's bound to be one near you! Google it, or call someone. If you ask your health department, police station, hospital, mental hospital, rehab center, therapist, church, ETC you will find someone who knows what you can do. Good luck!
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Keep praying. God WILL give you the peace you need and freedom from anxiety. Start reading the book of Psalms in the Bible. It has helped me emensely with my anxiety. Things will get better, I promise.
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And your point is? Consider yourself lucky. You are much better off than most people. I trust no one. Have no desire to connect with anyone. People are awful. The less contact you have with them the happier you will be.
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Most counties have mental health programs. Go to yellow pages and look them up.
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I'm so sorry you feel this way, please try to find help. I'm sure there are places where you can find help for free, or little money. Seek them out, you don't have to live this this. Good luck. :)
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you dont seem to be avoiding the internet. How is that?
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"you don't seem to be avoiding the internet how is that?" to the person who said that maybe you get a psychology book or do a web search on what these conditions are before you open your mouth and let you ignorance be known to everyone else
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I got my help originally from a county mental health clinic. Check with your county health clinic or county office to see if they can give you a contact number.GOOD LUCK!
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