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i love my family too much to come out. they don't love me enough to accept me.

i love my family too much to come out. they don't love me enough to accept me.

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Category: Secrets

be what you are
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^ OMG ... i knew it! i still love you regardless
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^Another idiot that things everyone is talking to them!
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Your family may surprise you! Actually they may already kind of know. Be honest, be yourself, be happy. Best wishes.
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Love yourself first and be who you are. Your family will deal with it.
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you'd be surprised how much they really love you
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I never came out to my parents when they were alive, and I have never come to my siblings. It's pointless to do so, and after all, it's not about them, it's about me. At this point in life, sex and who I sleep with is just a very small portion of who I am and what I do. Mostly I'm a middle class bore in a blue car,,,,,
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My family's world revolves around the parish church, and the legion post and the White Eagle club. My father is a hard worker and has given us a nice home and a good upbringing for a blue collar family. I have a sister who became an RN and another sister who is a teacher. My mother has been mostly a stay at home mom, and she just works to have something to do. My folks give to charity and do a lot of volunteer work for those in need. They are good people. I'm sure they would not reject me if I came out to them. The whole issue of being gay is just something my folks could not handle, because they would see my sexuality as their "failure" in some way. And despite their youth (My sisters are in their twenties), my sisters are not much different than my parents. It's not a big issue to me, and in our small rust belt city the less people know about you, the better. Everybody has to do what works for them.
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I guess grandkids are out of the question.
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Get a Tee Shirt that says in big letters "I"M GAY" and wear it to all your family Outings for the next year..Done Deal.
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There is nothing you can do if they cannot understand that you did not make this choice. You will feel the sting if they stop talking to you, but understand it is truly their loss. It might take you some time to realize it, but you'll be alright either way, regardless of the outcome. If you ever come to the conclusion that it's time to tell them, just be open, honest, to the point, and most important, be yourself-the person they know and love.
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Well, like on person said. Grandkids are out of the picture. However, you will provide your family with a relative who knows how to dress, and decorate a house. And you can bond with the girls and show them how to really suck a dick. No reason they're husbands have to suffer now is there.
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Love and acceptance are two totally different things. If they believe it is a sin and against God, they cannot accept your lifestyle. God still loves you, but He cannot accept your lifestyle either, because it is against His word. You can, however, become a recovering homosexual. God can and does deliver people from the bondage of sexual sin all the time. I know, because He did it for me.
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^That is complete bullcrap. You were born that way and so was almost 10 percent of the planet's population. God loves ALL his children. There is no such thing as 'recovering homosexual' but there is a huge bowlful of 'denial.' Be proud of yourself and stand up for yourself.
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