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You know, now that I think about it, I kinda don't want you to take me back if you're going to keep being a bitch. I changed for you. What have you changed?

You know, now that I think about it, I kinda don't want you to take me back if you're going to keep being a bitch. I changed for you. What have you changed?

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Category: Secrets

never ever change for someone else. Only reason you need change is for you.
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You didn't change for me, you changed for yourself because you would have died otherwise. You see me as a b**** because I don't flatter your self indulgent pity and self centeredness. I have changed quite a bit actually. I have changed from allowing you to be abusive and selfish and wasting my energy on you. It's easier for you to see things this way so that you don't have to take any responsibility or do any authentic healing. You just fake it. That is no real change at all. Time to get real sis.
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Read correctly "kinda" implies you are still not sure. Make up your mind and stick with it and by all means stop changing for others. They should accept you for who you are, not who they want you to be. If you keep trying to change for others, you will eventually loose your true identity and then you will not know who you really can be.
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Have you really changed? You still are the same insecure, hateful, selfish, manipulative person you always were you just wear different clothes and hang out with different people now. You really haven't changed at all and maybe that is why I am such a b**** to you because I am tired of your drama. A shit cupcake frosted with pink icing still tastes and smells like shit.
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^ rofl, so true
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This is great. I have never seen someone the OP was complaining about post on their post. Good stuff.
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^good stuff, you say? this site is a Sickness. it's nothing but passive-aggressive copouts to avoid reconciliation and peace. I know first hand because I used it, and it got me nowhere with MY problems. People who cant change will never evolve into something greater, only slowly afix themselves to EGOtistical state of being. Dont be like me. Dont put your emotions in the hands of others and expect something in return.
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this post is a cheapshot by a really shallow person. thumbs down dish b****.
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Actually, as the OP, none of these reply posts are from the person I want them to be from. Sorry.
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^So OP? Do you frost your shit cupcakes with pink frosting? I bet you do.
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Your diapers?
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^Sorry...your memory is fading mean I changed YOUR depends...ooops I mean diapers!
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