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No one knows that i still use heroin once a day. I've gotten my child back, a house n a car. I hate myself so much

No one knows that i still use heroin once a day. I've gotten my child back, a house n a car. I hate myself so much

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Category: Secrets

if you are using once a day now, it wont be long till your tolerance grows and you will use twice a day, three times,four times,then need to fix at three a.m.,just so you can go back to sleep, what will your life
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YOU know. That's all that matters. DO something about it before you fry your brain for good. (former druggie here. no one EVER knew)
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If you love your child then stop the shit its as simple as that idiot !
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This sucks, I work 7 days a week. I bust my ass and you still got more than I do. I hope you open up your heart and eyes, that in a quick second you can lose everything again.
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I feel so sorry for you, I am an addict also and understand what you are going through. Fight for your freedom for your child.
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where does the urge originate from?
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get help. your child doesn't deserve that shit. you are being selfish by having him/her with you. what's the adult thing to do? give your child to someone who can care for him or her until you TRULY can get your shit together. heroin is heroin no matter how many times a day you use it. how would you feel if your child got hurt while you were nodding out or how would you feel if your child got into your stash and ingested your drug? LET YOUR CHILD HAVE THEIR CHILDHOOD BACK UNTIL YOU STOP BEING A SELFISH CHILD YOURSELF!
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For heavens sake, get some help before you lose everything you have! Do you want your child to follow in your footsteps?
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My brother in law is doing 10 years for heroin.
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my little baby nephew almost died because he got into my sister's heroin and od' could KILL your child f***ing around with that shit, so selfish :(
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what will your life be like for you and your child then? having a heroin habit is a full time job,with no vacation
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you need to quit, you eventually will hurt your biological father had lost 3 of us, then he had another child when he was 52, had been doing heroin since high school, but managed to get her back from DFS, then OD'ed a month later. She was found in the house 2 days after he died...and was only 16 months old.....all his friends said that he would NEVER die from an OD, because he always knew how to reverse it or whatever...but he did. TRUE STORY!...look in STL paper under Wayne Pundt...Dec. 2004
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Let's hope the next shot kills you so your child has a chance at life since you care so little about him/her worthless b****
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