Cats will eat the body of a human if given the chance, a loyal dog will lie beside you till the end.
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And I bet you cat has that same expression on his face as the one in the picture that says "I didn't hear a word you just said, but my butt tastes good today".
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At least they don't talk back and give you a bunch of crap. I use to talk to my cat all the time about problems. It's not that you think they are hearing you, but you just need to get it out.
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This is good. It's what we have pets for. They are there to listen and not judge you. It doesn't matter how you get your emotions out, so long as you get them out. I do it too. I talk to my cat Pou and my dogs too. They just lays there and love me. I love my lil fur babies!
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Thats normal. Cats are great listeners. Although I did see mine telling some tall tales to the neighbors cat once.
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poor cat lol probably needs therapy lol!
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I talk to myself at least I know I am listening and I fully understand.
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^ I take it that a "moroff" used to be a moron until he got switched off? Right? Right!
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^heh, you silly genius, a moroff is more off than a moron.
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haha thats brilliant
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I always talk to my cat. It helps a lot and they may not understand but they listen and like the sound of our voices to know we are there.
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Dig it. Yorkies are good for this too, least the ones that don't yap incessantly.
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Cats don't comprehend like that stupid ass. You didn't tell anyone but yourself. You could have just as well been talking to a mirror while your standing in front of it. Comprende?
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^Just as well? Talking to her cat she says is better than talking to a mirror, you who does not comprende.
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I tell my cat to quit clawing the damn furniture!
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^3 I think you are having a major problem with the important issue here. For most of us, talking to cats is therapeutic, and the cats listen, and help us. You need to go and talk to your mirror, and tell your mirror that you want it explained why you just don't get it! Hold a cat with you, when you talk to the mirror, and THEN see if you understand how the cat is helping you, not the mirror. (God, why do I have to explain the obvious).
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^Because you're talking to a moroff, you genius.
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