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if hair extensions could really change how a person felt about themselves on the inside i would be lady freakin godiva in a heartbeat!

if hair extensions could really change how a person felt about themselves on the inside i would be lady freakin godiva in a heartbeat!

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Category: Secrets

Fake hair, fake hair color, fake nails, fake boobs....all very shallow and it won't change how you feel inside.
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^I second that
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kate is so fUcking ugly, i don't know how anyone could slip her the weenie without taking drugs first.....
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Kate was a ROTTEN wife and talked down to her husband throughout that show. Was clear he would eventually grow a pair and dump her ass. Now they are trying to act all sorry for HER. WTF??? She NEVER took responsability for how she treated him...despite it BEING ON FILM.
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lol kate,s problem is her attitude not her hair. cant beleave ppl raed that trash.
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kate gives wives everywhere a bad name...i would NEVER treat my husband like that!
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hahahaha now she's a wigger in a different way!
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Hope she has money. Octo-mom has her beat.
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^amen to that and that isn't saying much!
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She's still a narcissistic attention whore, regardless of what he hair looks like.
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I'm a long hair person. I love long hair on guys and girls. I think some people look good with shorter hair but for me it's got to be LONG LONG LONG! Also healthy hair is a plus! If it's long and scraggly or dull then that's ugg.. clean healthy hair that's long and silky! OH wow what a turn on!
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Whatever happened to the days when women with short hair were either A) dykes or B) jungle bunny lovers?
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^She did have that jungle fever style before didn't she? I always wondered why she was married to him because of it. It was so 1990's high school white girl wanting to be black type of style.
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put black lip liner on the short hair version of kate and she would look GETTO!!!
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The hair is still not that big of a plus for her, now she just looks like a cookie cutout cute but very fake.
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