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I am starting to live life without belief in any God or religion.  It feels nice, I have my privacy and understand we all shall fall some day.

I am starting to live life without belief in any God or religion. It feels nice, I have my privacy and understand we all shall fall some day.

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Category: Secrets

What do you mean by 'fall'? If you're living without religion, there is no hell. I became an atheist a few years ago, after struggling with religion all of my life, and my life is so much better for it.
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Right - we all die, but no one "falls". The Fall is a Christian idea stolen from Platonic philosophy. The idea that we can fall from a state of grace to a state of damnation is a lie. Good that you're starting to think, though.
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Yeah its nice being Atheist because you get to take responsibility for your own life and stop waiting for some magical "being" to help you out cause you closed your eyes and asked him to.
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I loved this it's how I feel exactly except for the fall, we all end or die and then there will be nothing but Bravo.!!!!
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I to am without religion, but I do still follow most of the morals that christians are supposed to follow (I still cuss, but I'm trying to stop). It's a much better life to really understand the world you live in rather than hearing "God did it" for every little thing that happens. Congradulations. 2^ Perfect!
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Who cares! GOD doesnt give a shit because he's got better things to do, and always has. i know this- you know this. What the hell does god have to do with your privacy though? Blondes are soo dumb!
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I hope you fall face first in a big pile of crap.
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I dont believe in god! But I do understand why small minded delusional people need something to believe in. They go insane without god. Pathetic.
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^ Someone or something gave you the ability to interact with the world we live in. Can you not grasp that concept, idiots?
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^I can. It's called teh interwebs. Oh wait. What?
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I don't need a promise of "heaven" to have morality and I don't need the threat of "hell" to be a decent person. I feel sorry for those who do.
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A spiritual misconception cannot be quantified as Truth by the number of souls deceived by it.
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